1 Connectivity & Productivity Be a place that people want to be in
Agenda Amenity & Access Density in Corridors Braess’ Paradox
AMENITY & ACCESS Be a place that people want to be in 3 WARNING: Unpublished Data & Hearsay
Car use for various Major Activity Centres TradersVisitors Noble Park67%28% Union Rd, Ascot Vale30% Eltham93%33% Racecourse Rd, Newmarket60%40% Glen Waverley85%49% Diamond Creek90%53% Trafalgar59% Drouin63% Moonee Ponds85%65% Warragul72% In every centre >25% of visitors rely on walking In many centres >50% of visitors rely on walking In many centres >50% of visitors rely on walking Traders tend to come from further away with higher car use
6 Hardware Street from Lt Lonsdale St Shared zones increase economic activity Each square metre = $12-25,000 p.a.
Some centres don’t like to share
DENSITY IN CORRIDORS Be a place that people want to be in 8 WARNING: Translated from German & Portuguese
Car Share = 1 /ha Car Share = 1 /ha Corridors protect good elements of our cities Source:Transforming Australian Cities, DPCD & City of Melbourne Residents + employees = 100 /ha Transit Services = 15 /hr for 18hrs /day Transit Services = 15 /hr for 18hrs /day Cars owned = 0.3 /resident Cars owned = 0.3 /resident
Urban design objectives must be clear and… Source:SGS Economics & Planning - DPCD Report - Residential Development along Tram Corridors
…appropriate Source:SGS Economics & Planning - DPCD Report - Residential Development along Tram Corridors
Corridors protect good elements of our cities Source:Transforming Australian Cities, DPCD & City of Melbourne Residents + employees = 100 /ha Cars owned = 0.3 /resident Cars owned = 0.3 /resident Transit Services = 15 /hr for 18hrs /day Transit Services = 15 /hr for 18hrs /day Car Share = 1 /ha Car Share = 1 /ha
“Here’s one I prepared earlier” Bigorrilho
Curitiba - a 40 year worked example Rua Padre Anchieta
Curitiba - a 40 year worked example Rua Padre Anchieta
BRAESS’ PARADOX Be a place that people want to be in 16 WARNING: Published Data & Mathematical Theories Proven in 1968 & 1983
50% of new road links make the network worse
Greenlight for Midtown Travel Speeds = 5-13% increase Travel Speeds = 5-13% increase People enjoy the space = 72% increase People enjoy the space = 72% increase Pedestrians = 11% increase Pedestrians = 11% increase Safety = 39% improvement Safety = 39% improvement
Greenlight for Midtown
Paris Plage
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℗ Space (rental) = $380 /sqm Space (rental) = $380 /sqm Space (buy) = $1.5m Space (buy) = $1.5m
That’s not possible is it?
Questions Knowles Tivendale Principal m t e. w. Unit 3, 1014 Doncaster Road Doncaster East VIC 3109