Science Sponge What are some of the functions of the endocrine system? What hormone regulates your sleep wake cycle and where in the brain is it controlled?
Reproductive System Life Science p.s. I’m warning you be mature!!
Animal Reproduction Asexual: single parent has an offspring that is genetically identical to the parent. –3 kinds a.budding: part of the parent organism pinches off to create new organism b.Fragmentation: part of organism breaks and develops into new individual. c.Regeneration: loses a body part
Animal Reproduction Sexual: off spring is formed when genetic information from more than one parent combines. Female parent produces egg while the male produces sperm
Internal and External Fertilization Internal fertilization allows the female animal to protect the developing egg inside her body.
Internal and External Fertilization External fertilization must take place in a moist environment. Some fish reproduce this way.
Mammals Monotreme: mammals that lay eggs Marsupials: mammals give birth to a partially developed live young. Placental mammals: eggs are nourished inside their mother’s body before birth. Over 4000 develop this way including humans.
The female reproductive system
Internal Anatomy Ovaries Fallopian tubes Uterus Vagina
Ovaries Small paired oval-shaped glands located on either side of uterus Produce eggs and hormones
Ovaries also release estrogen and progesterone that aid in the development of female characteristics
Menstrual Cycle Changes that prepare your body for pregnancy Lasts about 5 days Ovulation occurs on about the 14 th day of the cycle If the egg is not fertilized within a few days, menstruation begins again (about every 28 days).
Fallopian tubes Also called oviducts Narrow tubes that are attached to upper part of uterus Serve as tunnels for ova (egg cell) to travel from ovaries to uterus
Uterus Commonly called ‘womb’ Pear-shaped muscular organ that is home to developing fetus Divided into two parts corpus- main part that expands to hold developing baby cervix- lower part that opens into vagina and allows passage of sperm and menstrual blood
Vagina Canal that joins cervix to outside of body Commonly known as ‘birth canal’
External anatomy Vulva Collective term for external genitalia Houses vaginal opening and urethral opening (passing of urine) Consists of pair of skin folds called labia minora and majora Clitoris- tissue that plays a role in sexual arousal Bartholin’s gland- secretes mucus that lubricates vaginal opening
External Anatomy
Mammary Glands Present in both sexes but normally function only in females Not really part of female reproductive system but are important for sustaining young after birth Small sacs of epithelial tissue that secrete milk which drains into a series of ducts that open into the nipple. Fatty tissue (adipose tissue) forms mass of mammary glands of non-lactating mammals
Mammary glands