Female Reproductive System
Like the male reproductive system is made of internal and external structures The internal organs provide the environment in which a fertilized egg can develop into a baby
Ovaries Two ovaries are small organs, they are about the size of an almond Located a few inches below the waist one on each side of the body They release progesterone, estrogen and mature egg cells OVULATION – the process of once puberty begins the release of ONE ripened egg every single month The egg release is no larger than a type writer dot
Fallopian Tubes There are two fallopian tubes or oviducts These are small tubes that carry released eggs from the ovaries They lie on each side of the body The fingerlike ends of the fallopian tubes draws the egg into the opening Because eggs cannot swim like sperm, tiny hairs sweep the egg in The fallopian tube is usually where fertilization occurs
Uterus Each fallopian tube leads into the uterus This is a hallow pear shaped organ located between the two ovaries and behind the urinary bladder The uterus is where the fertilized egg will develop and grow into a baby The uterus is several layers of tissue and a rich supply of blood to protect and nourish a developing fetus
Cervix This is the narrow base of the uterus When a baby is ready to be born the cervix expands to allow the baby to pass through
Vagina This is the birth canal, a hollow muscular passage leading from the uterus to outside the body Sperm enters the body through the vagina The walls of the vagina are very elastic, which allows it to expand dramatically during child birth