The Pressure to Conform Daniel 1: 1-21
Boney M Abba Adam and the Ants Psalm 137:1-6
Daniel 1 The Kingdom of Judah is conquered People captured and taken into exile by King Nebuchadnezzar
Babylon’s system of indoctrination Wanted to change their identity. 1.Food from the King’s table 2.New names 3.Education in the ways of the Babylonians Leave behind your Hebrew God and culture and look to me for everything.
Table Talk-Living as exiles “Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it.” Romans 12:2 In what ways are we tempted to ‘adjust to our culture’? Why do you think Daniel took a stand on food but not on a new name or on the education? What are the issues that Christians should take a stand on?
It’s About Identity Without an identity we can be influenced very easily. What is your primary identity?
How do we keep our identity? Know what God says : Bible : Prayer Remember what God has done Find friends to help you
God is Given Recognition Daniel challenged the ruling powers of Babylon. The king came to acknowledge the God of Daniel as being the true God. This might be the place where God will reveal who he is through you. What is God calling you to take a stand on? How are you going to do that?