參考書籍: LABVIEW FOR EVERYONE (JEFFREY TRAVIS/JIM KRING) 簡體翻譯: LABVIEW 大學實用教程 ( 電子工業出版社 ) LabVIEW 基礎課程 ( 二 )


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Presentation transcript:

參考書籍: LABVIEW FOR EVERYONE (JEFFREY TRAVIS/JIM KRING) 簡體翻譯: LABVIEW 大學實用教程 ( 電子工業出版社 ) LabVIEW 基礎課程 ( 二 )

CH7 LabVIEW 複合數據 - 陣列與叢集 Array Auto-indexing Polymorphism Cluster Bundle Unbundle Error cluster Error handling

7-1 Array

7-2 建立 Array

7-3. Auto-Indexing


7-4. 2D Array

Building Arrays with Auto-Indexing EX 7-1

7-5.Functions for Manipulating Arrays

Initialize Array

Build Array

Array Subset/Index Array

Delete From Array

練習 7-2 Array Excersise

7-6. 陣列多態性 Polymorphism

練習 7.3 陣列多態性

7-7. 複合運算


7-8. 叢集 Clusters

Creating Cluster Controls and Indicators

Setting the order of cluster elements

Bundle Function

Unbundle Function

練習 7-4: Cluster Practice

Bundling and Unbundling by Name

Pop-up menu for Cluster

練習 7.5 Cluster

7-9 Interchangeable Arrays and Clusters

Comparison Function Modes for Arrays and Clusters

7-10. Error Clusters and Error-Handling Functions

Error Case Structure

Merge Errors

Generating Errors in SubVIs

Displaying Error Messages

Explain Error dialog

CH8 圖表和圖形 Key Terms Waveform chart Plot legend Scale legend Graph palette Strip mode Scope mode Sweep mode Cursor Mechanical action Waveform graph XY graph Intensity charts and graphs 3D graphs Digital waveform graph Waveform data type Mixed signal graph Multi-plot cursor Dynamic data

8-1.Waveform Charts

Chart Update Modes Advance->Update mode

Single-Plot Charts

Multiple-Plot Chart

Stacked and Overlaid Plots

Multiple Y Scales

Chart History Length By default, a waveform chart can store up to 1,024 data points. If you want to store more or fewer data, select Chart History Length... from the pop-up menu and specify a new value of between 10 and 2,147,483,647

練習 8-1. Temperature Monitor

Using Mechanical Action of Boolean Switches


Single-Plot Waveform Graphs

2D Array to Graph

練習 8-2: Graphing a Sine on a Waveform Graph

Multiple-Plot Graphs

XY Graphs


Showing Optional Planes in an XY Graph

Chart and Graph Components


Format and Precision tab

Scale Legend

Plot Legend

練習 8-3: Using an XY Graph to Plot a Circle

Graph Palette

Graph Cursors

Graph Annotations

練習 8-4: Temperature Analysis

Intensity Charts and GraphsColor as a Third Dimension

An intensity graph displaying a 2D array of intensity values as colors

練習 8-5: The Intensity Graph

The Intensity Graph

3D Graphs

Time Stamps, Waveforms, and Dynamic Data



Waveform Functions

Digital Waveform Symbol

練習 8-6: Generate and Plot a Waveform

Digital Data

Dynamic Data

Mixed Signal Graphs

Multi-Plot Cursor

Exporting Images of Charts and Graphs Windows.emf,.bmp, and.tif

練習 8-7: Temperature Limit