Internet Tech nology
Internet Backbone Internet backbone is the major set of connection for computers on the Internet. A network access point (NAP) is a point on the Internet where several connections converge. At each NAP is at lest one computer that simply routes Internet traffic from one place to another. These NAP is owned and maintained by network service providers(NAP) such as NTT, ATT, MCI, and others. At given NAP, Internet service provider(ISP) provides individuals, organizations, and businesses access to the Internet.
Internet Backbone and NAP
Servers on the Internet ftp Server Router Web Server Mail Server IRC Server Application Server Infromation and Services
Servers on the Internet Web server provides information and service to Web surfers. Mail server provides service and account ftp server maintains a collection of files the user can download. IRC server supports users use of discussion groups and chat rooms.
Communication Protocol Communication Protocol is set of roles that various computer follows to transfer information. TCP/IP or transport control protocol/Internet protocol is primary protocol transformation over the Internet. Hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP) is the communication protocol that supports the movement of information over the Web. File transfer protocol(ftp) is the communication protocol that allows to transfer files of information from one computer to another.
World Wide Web The World Wide Web(the Web) is a system with universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting, and displaying information using client/server architecture. The Web combines text, hypermedia, graphics, and sound. It can handle various types of digital communication while making it easy to link resources that are half-a-world apart. The Web uses graphical user interfaces for easy viewing. It is based on the standard hypertext markup language(HTML) which formats documents and incorporate dynamic link to other documents and pictures stored in the same or remote computers.
The Web HTML File URL To access a Web site, the user nust specify a uniform resource locator(URL) that point to the address of the specific resource on the Web.