Human Populations
1. Human Population Population Size Immigration Births Emigration Deaths
2. How much longer? Malthus: Our food supply will finally give out ( we will hit our carrying capacity). Others: Because we are so smart we are increasing our carrying capacity.
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Crude death rate (CDR) Growth Rate Doubling time Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Replacement-level fertility Life expectancy Infant Mortality Child Mortality Age structure diagram Net Migration Rate
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) = 70/GR
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear.
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Esttimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals Child MortalityUnder 5 years old # of childern/1000 individuals
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals Child MortalityUnder 5 years old # of childern/1000 individuals Age structure diagram How members are distributed across age ranges 3 kinds
MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectancyHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals Child MortalityUnder 5 years old # of childern/1000 individuals Age structure diagram How members are distributed across age ranges 3 kinds Net Migration RateThe difference between immigration and emigration. (I-E)/ year/1000 people
Now lets Review FAoA FAoA
Demographic Transition States: as a country moves from a subsistence economy to industrialization and increase affluence, it undergoes a predictable shift in population.
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Environmental Impact IPAT Equation Impact = population x affluence x technology More affluent = more impact Can also use the term destructive technology Ecologicial Footprint : how many hectacres is needed to sustain one’s lifestyle