APES 9/18 Please take out your Case Studies HW for check-off!
Concept Mapping Using the information from the articles, make a concept map using the following terms: Water scarcityDesalinationWar DesertificationBoron and BromideEurope Unsustainable agricultureIncreased salinityImmigration OvergrazingHosni MubarakCamps Jordan Family PlanningArab Spring MalnutritionTotal Fertility RatePersecution YemenIranSyria UAEContraceptivesBashar al-Assad EgyptEducationCivic Identity OverpopulationRefugeesMigrants
Finish Video Let’s return to looking at the situation in India, China, Japan, and Kenya Finish your video guide and turn it in by the end of class!
Short Break… Log in to a netbook
Poverty, Affluence, and the Environment 5 slides of notes! That’s it!
Poverty and The Environment Exponential pop. growth leads to environmental damage because impoverished people are focused on survival and can’t afford to consider the needs of the environment. Overpopulation in Africa’s Sahel region has led to overgrazing of semi- arid lands. Deforestation in the Amazon Destruction of bamboo forests in China
Affluence and the Environment Poverty can lead to environmental degradation… BUT Wealth and resource consumption can produce even more severe and far-reaching environmental impacts.
The Wealth Gap Residents of developed nations have larger houses, more possessions, and more money than residents of developing nations. The richest 20% of the world’s people consumes 86% of its resources, and has > 80 times the income of the poorest 20%.
Measuring Impact of Affluence Our total impact (I) on the env. results from the interaction of population (P), affluence (A) and technology (T), with an added sensitivity (S) factor Credited to Paul Ehrlich, an ecologist (1970’s) I = P x A x T I= Total Impact P= Population size A= Affluence T= Level of technology Impact and P/A/T have a proportion relationship. Increasing just one increases overall impact.
The IPAT model: I = P x A x T x S Population = individuals need space and resources Affluence = greater per capita resource use Technology = increased exploitation of resources Sensitivity = how sensitive an area is to human pressure Further model refinements include education, laws, ethics
Chapter 7 Modules Multiple Choice Module 22 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C Module 23 1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.D
End of Chapter 7 Multiple Choice 1.A 2.B 3.E 4.E 5.C 6.E 7.C 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. D
End of Unit Info. Test on Tuesday! Ch. 1, multiple choice 2 short answer See provided list of topics Lab Book due Tuesday! 3 Warm-Ups Tragedy of Commons Game Chapter 7 Reading Assignment