July 19, 2012 Traverse City, MI Barb Fardell, Michigan Dept. of Education Manager, Educational Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

July 19, 2012 Traverse City, MI Barb Fardell, Michigan Dept. of Education Manager, Educational Technology

 OEII Goal – Ensure that ALL teachers are prepared to teach in an online environment to reach ALL students. ◦ 21 Things for Teachers ◦ Learnport

 Available to all LEAs and ISDs retaining FTE  Currently processing applications  Same limits as last year ◦ 25% of 6-12 population ◦ No more than 10% of ISD 6-12 Population  K-5 Pilots ◦ Oakland ISD-Contiguous ISDs – limited to 1,000 ◦ CoOp – 5 districts – limited to 1,000 combined  Berrien Springs  Manistee Public Schools  NICE Communicyt Schools  Suttons Bay Public Schools  Oxford Community Schools – Reimagine District

 Limited to 5 first year – school year ◦ Applications will not be accepted until law goes into effect – more info to come from Charter School Unit ◦ 5 more the following year and 5 more the next  Issue – At this time districts do not have the same opportunities

 Highland Park  Muskegon Heights – videovideo  Charters to replace district schools  District is authorizer  Allows state aid payments to cover the educational programs for the schools, with remaining revenue to the district used to pay down the debt.

 MORE – Alignment Workshops ongoing MORE  TLF – Created to support effective instruction in challenging content across all grade levels and content areas. TLF  High School Roadmap to Success – beta High School Roadmap to Success ◦ Based on National High School Center framework

 The EverFi™ - Financial Literacy high school program is a 10 module, 6-hour co-curricular learning platform that covers hundreds of key topics including credit scores, budgeting, insurance, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, taxes, stocks, savings, 401k’s and other critical concepts. Individual student progress and knowledge gains are tracked, and the modular structure gives high schools the flexibility to implement in economics, business, or social studies courses. Demo VideoDemo Video

 Everfi – free to any district, just as Financial Literacy Course  “Empowering Teens to Navigate the Digital Landscape”  Demo – Digital LiteracyDigital Literacy

 Opportunity to update the FLVS courses purchased with EETT grant  Demo of Courses Demo of Courses

 Michigan asking to waive certain requirements in ESEA section 1116 for Title I schools that have not made AYP to be consequently identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring. New identification scheme will be:  Priority Schools: Title I schools that are in the lowest performing 5% of schools statewide.  Focus Schools: The next 10% of Title I schools that have the biggest achievement gap between the highest and lowest performing subgroups of students.  Reward Schools: Title I schools that have consistently high academic achievement, large growth in achievement or have demonstrated that they are beating the odds.

 Continuous Improvement Schools: All other Title I schools that are not Priority, Focus, or Reward Schools.  What does this mean? ◦ The schools would no longer face the consequences associated with school improvement, corrective action or restructuring designations nor be required to set aside 20% for SES and Choice transportation or 10% for professional development.  For complete PPT see MI Streamnet – January, 2012 Flexibility Waiver - MDE

 Sequestration ◦ Provision of the Federal Budget Control Act of Procedure by which automatic spending cuts are triggered. ◦ Results in a 9% reduction in Federal Education Funding  Title I  IDEA  School Improvement Grants  CTE ◦ Funds will be held back, MDE positions not filled

 Michigan LearnportLearnport  Courses ◦ Blended Instruction ◦ Michigan History for 3 rd grade teachers ◦ MMC Courses ◦ Algebra for All ◦ Global Information Systems  Stipends! ◦ Michigan History for Third Grade Teachers ◦ Science as a Way of Thinking

 21 Things for the 21 st Century Educator ◦ Teachers Teachers ◦ Students Students ◦ Administrators Administrators  Teacher and Students - AlisonAlison