GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 1 Extending Commercial LMSs with Adaptivity Patrick Pekczynski imc information multimedia communication AG
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 2 About the speaker Senior Research Professional at New Business department of IMC joined GRAPPLE in July 2009
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 3 Areas of work European research projects National research projects LMS software engineering CLIX LMS
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 4 What are you going to hear?
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 5 The ‘G’ in GRAPPLE GRAPPLE is generic: provides a generic solution integrates different learning management systems (LMSs)
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 6 What different LMSs? Open SourceCommercial Claroline
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 7 Why LMSs in GRAPPLE? LMS User (Learner) Enrollment in courses Delivery of learning material Assessment and evaluations Portfolio
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 8 Connect an LMS to GRAPPLE How can we exchange information? Slide 8 LMSGRAPPLE GRAPPLE Event Bus (GEB)
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 9 LMS integration – A recipe
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 10 Ingredients Standardise LMS-events by converting them (GRAPPLE conversion component [GCC]) Connect to communication framework (GRAPPLE Event Bus [GEB]) Slide 10 GEB-Connector LMS GCC
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 11 Conversion component IMS-LIP name First fName First name Different LMSs name the same information differently Use IMS – LIP as common standard for information exchange
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 12 Connect an LMS to GRAPPLE What kind of events? Access to a course Tests/quizzes Registration User Login Role change Access to a learning activity Learning activity change Learning activity addition Learning activity removal
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 13 GEB Connector (2 parts) GEB-Client send messages individual for each LMS EventListener receive messages common interface every LMS must implement
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 14 Couple with GEB Register the LMS with the GEB Specify what events you want to listen to, i.e.: listen to every user info change (setUMData)
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 15 GEB Benefits communication between GRAPPLE components LMS can ask: for data about a user (GUMF) for a list of available adaptive courses LMS can tell: user has completed a test user has accessed learning activity
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 16 Connect an LMS to GRAPPLE Wait a minute! How do you know what user you are talking about?
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 17 Shibboleth Single sign-on (SSO) functionality One general GRAPPLE identifier (GID) access to all federated resources in GRAPPLE identify learner across GRAPPLE system
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 18 Shibboleth LMS needs Shibboleth Service Provider Depending on your LMS: Configuration (if Shibboleth is already supported) Implementation (if Shibboleth module is missing)
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 19 Ingredients - Summary GEB-Connector LMS GCC Shibboleth
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 20 Connect an LMS to GRAPPLE Slide 20 LMSGRAPPLE GRAPPLE Event Bus (GEB) GRAPPLE Identity provider (Shibboleth) Communication Authentication Identification
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 21 LMS integration – A recipe Integrating an LMS in GRAPPLE is essentially a 3-fold task. Implement: 1.Conversion component (GCC) 2.GEB-connectivity 3.Shibboleth Service provider
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 22 Can I put in my LMS in there?
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 23 What is CLIX? Learning Management System developed by IMC One of the commercial LMSs in the project
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 24 CLIX – Some facts Java based J2EE web application GRAPPLE integration with CLIX 9.0 Integration also compatible with new version CLIX 2010 Sh ibboleth service provider component already integrated Manager user skills / competencies
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 25 CLIX – Some facts Already a “learning logic” inside Possible to define order of course modules
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 26 Let’s look at the integration
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 27 What do we get? Federated access: A GRAPPLE user can use any associated learning environment (LMS and ALE) LMSAdaptive Learning Engine GALE
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 28 Federated Access via CLIX
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 29 What do we get? Normalisation of user events usage of IMS-LIP standard (learner information packaging)
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 30 IMS-LIP user events in CLIX
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 31 What do we get? Availability of adaptive learning resources in the LMS usage of adaptive course from the adaptive learning environment (GALE)
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 32 Availability of adaptive learning resources in CLIX
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 33 What do we get? Centralised user information: Get information from other federated components like Assessments Knowledge Competencies
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 34 What do we get? 2-way communication Adaptive course in GALE uses information the LMS has sent to GUMF Can include: Knowledge update after test completion Deduce knowledge about conceptes from learner competencies
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 35 What do we get? LMS GALE Send test result Access adaptive course Lookup knowledge about concept Return knowledge level GUMF Recommend concept
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 36 What do we get? Visualisation Display information about current learning status in an adaptive course
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 37 GRAPPLE visualisations in CLIX
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 38 What do we get? Adaptive authoring from within the LMS Integrate a link to GRAPPLE authoring toolset (GAT) directly in your LMS
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 39 Adaptive authoring from within the LMS
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 40 Questions?
GRAPPLE – Public Event Backup slides Slide 41
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 42 Relevant deliverables D5.2b: Conversion components between GRAPPLE and LMSs D7.1c: Final specification of the operational infrastructure D7.2c: Data models and related documentation - final version D7.5: Operational infrastructure - final release with documentation
GRAPPLE – Public Event GRAPPLE architecture Slide 43
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 44 Extending an existing LMS
GRAPPLE – Public Event Slide 45 MAYBE (PP) Example cycle Complete assessment in LMS LMS sends result to GUMF Learner accesses adaptive course via LMS Adaptive can query knowledge status of learner from GUMF Course presents adapted content to User