Sustainable Ecosystems Introduction – V2 SNC1D1 – RHSA - Sustainable use of (coral) Ecosystems 4 min
The environment includes all the living and non-living factors and their interactions which are studied by ecologists. In this unit you will learn about ecology, the study of how organisms interact with each other and the non-living factors in the environment.
We will take a holistic approach by looking at entire ecosystems. In almost every ecosystem on Earth humans are now the most important factor because we change ecosystems.
Examples include: using a lot of resources through forestry, mining or fishing habitat destruction by paving and building our houses where other plants and animals used to live polluting our air, soil and water with our wastes which harms ourselves and other organisms
This unit will focus on human stewardship of ecosystems. Stewardship is a way of acting that involves taking personal responsibility for managing and caring for the environment. We will study better actions and technologies we can use as individuals and as a society to care for the environment.
The big idea is for us to learn to manage ecosystems sustainably. Sustainability means the populations of all plants and animals can continue to interact and reproduce indefinitely in the future.
Sustainability requires humans to protect biodiversity or the different number of organisms living in an ecosystem.
Classwork – complete The Silence of the Frogs Homework – read Pearson p 8-12 and answer worksheet questions Optional at end of class if everyone works well Benefits of Frogs (8:30 min) (skip ads) 7L3BY 7L3BY