Patient and Family Centered Care Curriculum Keith J. Mann DeeJo Miller Sheryl Chadwick
Goals Improve communication skills with patients and families Learn the importance of partnering with families in the care of their child Recognize the unique needs of families coping with a complex needs child and/or child with a chronic illness Recognize the barriers that exist for families in our health care system Acknowledge personal biases and beliefs while respecting the cultural and spiritual beliefs of the family Identify and promote the unique strengths of the family Recognize that the family is the constant in the child’s life Improve intra-hospital communication between physicians
Curriculum Details Intern Year –Orientation lunch with members of the Family Advisory Board –Intern retreat focused on communication –“Match Day” Lunch Family resides within 30 minutes of Children’s Mercy Hospital Child is < 12 years of age Child has been seen in > 3 specialty clinics at CMHC within the past 12 months Child has a chronic condition that will still be present in 3 years Parent/caregiver speaks English
Orientation Lunch Questions to ask residents at the orientation lunch What did you like best about medical school? Where did you grow up? What do you do in your spare time? Tell me about your family. Is there anything that makes you nervous about talking to families? Questions to ask families at the orientation lunch In addition to being a parent, what else do you do? What does your family like to do for fun? Why did you join the FAB? Tell me about your family. Tell me about a positive experience with a resident and why you remember this incident. What is one piece of advice that you would give to all new residents?
Curriculum Details Second year –Home visit –Hematology-Oncology mid-rotation seminar –Standardized patients Third Year –Office visit
Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale SHARING DOMAIN GenderNMean Male Female
Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale SHARING DOMAIN YearNMean Intern rd Yr184.3
Results of Match Day Lunch and Family Training Statements rated by Family EducatorsMEAN SCORE 1.The training session helped prepare me to be a Family Educator for residents I learned something new in the training The content of the training was easy for me to understand The content of the training seemed applicable to my role as a Family Educator The length of the training was appropriate I feel prepared to serve in the role as a Family Educator for the residents It was helpful to meet with the residents over lunch prior to meeting them in at the home visit (skip if the resident you will be working with was not present) After the luncheon I feel more prepared for the home visit I am looking forward to my role as a family educator5.0
Summary Curriculum designed to attitudes, behaviors, and skills not always addressed in residency training First year had many successful moments Difficult to maintain Improvements each year