Health Literacy In April 2004 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a report regarding Health Literacy. The IOM report shows that 90 million people--or 50% of U. S adults--have “limited health literacy”. This means that these 90 million people (1 in 5) have difficulty understanding and acting upon health information. Forty million Americans have trouble reading complex texts, and 90 million have difficulty understanding complex texts. Health care information contains complex text which many people with strong literacy skills may have trouble understanding.
What is Health Literacy? Health literacy does not mean limited intelligence. Health literacy is defined as the ability to read, understand and effectively use basic medical instructions and information. Low health literacy affects people in the US regardless of their age, race, education or income. Low or inadequate health literacy is driven by a variety of social, economic, and cultural factors. Health literacy is more than a reading problem.
What is the impact of Low or Inadequate Health Literacy? Low or inadequate health literacy costs the U. S. health care system an estimated $30 billion to $73 billion annually. Low health literacy affects some individual’s ability to access appropriate care. The complicated forms and procedures, insurance rules are barriers to those with low or inadequate health literacy. A 1994 study found that adults with low literacy skills averaged 6 percent more hospital visits and stayed in the hospital nearly two days longer.
How can health literacy be improved? Healthy People 2010 is the prevention agenda for the Nation. One of the focus areas of this report is to use communication strategically to improve health. Some of the ways health care professionals can impact health literacy are by: Adequately assessing the patient’s/families’ education needs. simplifying forms. using plain language for all communications and materials given to patients/families. writing documents at a fourth to sixth grade reading level. writing materials in an interactive style.
What is Duke Hospital doing to assure patients receive materials that can be understood? Duke Hospital has a patient education committee that reviews all patient education materials submitted. To improve health literacy, the committee has established criteria for developing patient education materials that is more easily understood. Please visit this web site: Patient Family Education – Materials Development Resources Explore the links on that page to: Open the Patient Education Committee Roster and see who is your department/division representative. View the criteria for developing or revising patient/family education material. Launch the Patient Education Material Submission Form.
Thank You! We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Health Literacy and how you can participate. Please make use of the Patient/Family Education – Materials Development Resources web page and help everyone become more Health Literate!Patient/Family Education – Materials Development Resources