Clergy Terms of Service
BISHOP’S TRAINING DAY FOR CLERGY An opportunity to hear about and ask questions on the new Clergy Terms of Service legislation and to contribute to the development of Diocesan implementation plans.
The Employment Status of the Clergy Parochial clergy in the Church of England are treated in law as office holders, not employees. Why? No contract No easily identifiable employer
In many ways this is right as it properly reflects the nature of ministry BUT…… It does lead to a serious disparity between freeholders and others
The historical context The medieval church 19th century reform 1963 – Paul report
Recent Developments 2000: Ray Owen’s case 2002: Government consultation Archbishops’ Council set up review group 31 January 2011 – Implementation of new legislation
Common Tenure; an overview Will eventually apply to all beneficed and licensed clergy Underlying principles: parity and clarity Preserves office holder status whilst conferring ‘employment’ rights Seeks to secure proper balance between security, independence and accountability
Common Tenure; the detail The new arrangements detailed in the law will automatically cover: Team Vicar, Priest in Charge appointments, fixed term appointments (such as Assistant Curates and House for Duty clergy),
non-stipendiary ministers, canonically licensed lay workers in receipt of stipend and/or housing and all new appointments made after the legislation comes into effect
The Bishop will write to those with freehold, asking them to indicate whether or not they agree to the application of the Measure to them. If they do not, they will continue to hold their freehold on all its existing terms. If, or when, they move to another post the new arrangements will automatically apply
The rights conferred All clergy automatically covered, and freeholders who agree to the application of the Measure, will be given a statement of particulars which will confirm; their entitlement to stipend, fees and reimbursement of expenses; the terms and conditions relating to their rest periods, holidays, sickness and absence, and pension provision;
their rights to paternity/parental/ maternity/adoption leave/care for dependants; their right to an itemised monthly stipend statement, where appropriate their right to protection against unfair dismissal and the right of appeal to an employment tribunal in cases of capability dismissal; their right of access to a grievance procedure
In addition, the Statement will also confirm: the entitlement and requirement to undertake appropriate continuing ministerial development; the entitlement and requirement to participate in ministerial development review at least once every two years; the requirement to be subject to a capability procedure
Clergy holding Freehold – the differences: Clergy retaining freehold will have no: clear statement detailing rights, duties and responsibilities right to appeal to an Employment Tribunal access to a grievance procedure
requirement to be subject to the capability procedure (but will still be subject to the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003) legal entitlement or requirement for Continuing Ministerial Development legal entitlement or requirement for Ministerial Development Review
DOCUMENT TEMPLATES Role descriptions Statement of Particulars Clergy handbook
COMMUNICATION Diocesan Synod and Pompey Chimes Clergy chapter meetings Bishops’ letters Clergy Terms Of Service section on the Diocesan Website Information Leaflet for Archdeacons’ Visitations
FUTURE PLANS Summer 2010 – preparation of draft statements for those automatically transferring Autumn 2010/January 2011 – issuing of the draft statements by Archdeacons with individual consultations 31 January 2011 – finalised statements issued by the Bishop’s nominated officers (the Archdeacons)
Spring 2011 – For those clergy currently with freehold the Bishop will write, requesting them to indicate whether or not they agree to the application of the Measure to them
Ministry Development Review
Why? Who? What? How? When?
WHY? Support (Looking at me) Enhancement (Looking at my role) Development (Looking at me and my role in the future)
WHO? (for whom?) Offered to all Required for those under Common Tenure Episcopally led Reviewer Other contributors
WHAT? A guided discussion looking back looking around looking ahead Setting objectives and areas for development
WHAT? Affirmation & encouragement Accountability & challenge Focussed on Role Description
HOW? Reflection Preparation using the form asking for feedback The review meeting
HOW? Training needs Summary sheet Record of the review Training follow-up
WHEN? Target is for: 3 reviews within 4 years 2 with an Archdeacon 1 with the Bishop
Continuing Ministerial Development
Development for ministers in selves in role in long-term momentum
Style and purpose ‘..about the whole person in their ministerial context far more than about ‘training’ in the narrow sense.’ Benedictine ‘balance’ Spiritual, cerebral and skilful elements
CMD in CTS Clergy - duty to participate Bishop – duty to ‘use all reasonable endeavours’ to ensure suitable provision of appropriate CMD
Principles Learning opportunities to be linked to MDR review outcomes Training provision to be linked to diocesan strategic priorities Emphasis on ‘transitional points’
Possibilities Customised programme out of MDR Courses and training events in diocese Training events from other agencies Bishop’s training days Extended study leave HE qualification courses Diocesan conferences
The Eucharist will be in the Cathedral