1 Welcome to A Discovery Event for The UAB Support Team Network 1
2 DISCOVERY Persons Who Need Care 2
3 4 Persons Who Want to Care Persons Who Need Care DISCOVERY 3
4 5 A TEAM APPROACH DISCOVERY Persons Who Need Care 4 Persons Who Want to Care
5 IN GROUPS OF 3 What kinds of needs does someone have that you know? (choose one from below, no names) Neighbor, friend Person in your congregation, co-worker Chronic illness, home from the hospital Extended time of recovery, treatment Someone who is older Take one minute each, describe needs 6
6 5 WHAT IS A SUPPORT TEAM? A group of people organized to provide practical, emotional, and spiritual support to persons with health concerns.
7 10 What Does a Support Team Do? Transportation to the doctor/grocery store. Household or yard chores. Errands, cook/deliver meals, social outings. Visit, call, or offer caregivers a break. Prayer or communion based on the needs of the person being visited.
8 11 What Does a Support Team NOT Do? Money give or loan money, pay bills, buy groceries Medicine manage medications Medical Care offer medical advice or take the place of any healthcare professional
9 12 Support Team Leader/Co-Leaders Coordinate the calendar Facilitate Support Team Meetings Communicate with your Coach and Network “Someone who loves to coordinate and delegate!”
11 9 Support Team Advantages People get to do what they enjoy doing Time flexibility Variety of skills offered Share the care with others, accountability Built-in support system Easier for the Support Team Friend, caregiver.
12 GOALS - The UAB Support Team Network Start local Support Teams for individuals Teach persons how to start teams Provide Resources - written, videos, webinars Online training at Learn from evidenced based, measurable outcomes 15
13 NEXT STEPS Fill out Discovery Event form to stay in touch. Do you know someone who needs care? Do you want to start a Support Team? Do you want to be on a Support Team? Sign up for Orientation 17
14 16 Support Team Orientation Thursday, December 6th, 11:30-1:00 p.m. Comprehensive Cancer Center Conference Room 2532 RSVP to Callie Dunaway, lunch provided Call or Sign up today
15 SUPPORT TEAM DEVELOPMENT training dates announced soon Teaches how to discover needs, start teams for any health care need. Comprehensive Cancer Center Spain Rehabilitation Hospital Center for Psychiatric Medicine The Kirklin Clinic Palliative Care and more 14
16 18 Contact Malcolm Marler Director of Pastoral Care