Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Annual Meeting of Correspondents, 11 June 2009 Director: +44 (0) (& Deputy Director: +44 (0)1223
Gender Balance Action Plan 1.Context 2.Action Plan 3.Process
Who attends from the UK? Age range and gender balance of UK participants in 2007/8
Context EPSRC grant conditions Make use of all the talent Changing the landscape – INI uniquely placed to help redress historical imbalance
Overall comparison
Action Plan Changing culture –Target –Governance –Expectations of Organisers Removing barriers –Childcare, accommodation, bursaries, webstreaming Increasing communication –Website, mailing lists etc Monitoring and development
Process Discussion by Staff, Correspondents, Management Committee, Scientific Steering Committee Formal consultation with LMS WiM Cttee, UKRC, European WiM and the WiM Cttee of the EMS, EPSRC Revised plan to Management Committee in Autumn
Correspondent input Discussion groups and plenary session today Individual comments Thanks!