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RECIPE FOR SUCCESS IN THIS COURSE… Log in Frequently and Participate Fully Communicate with Me and your Classmates – when in doubt, ASK ME immediately Pay Close Attention to Announcements and s from Instructor Deliver on Course Expectations Netiquette: Practice Courtesy, Respect & Positivity Show Initiative, Creativity and Accountability Get Organized, Stay Organized and Manage Time Wisely Produce Original, High Quality Work
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Click Here: Labor Data and Workforce Trends
Changes in the Healthcare Workforce The population and the workforce is aging and becoming more diverse. The retirement of Baby Boomers will have significant impact (increased need) on the number of jobs in economy. The fastest growth of jobs in healthcare are projected to be those that assist/support practitioners. Women make up a vast majority of workers in healthcare and the percentage of women in the labor force has already peaked. The need for workers in healthcare expected to grow faster than most areas of the economy.
Healthcare as Economic Development & Rightsizing the Workforce Page 66 of text: 13 of the 30 fastest growing occupations are in healthcare. Fastest growing healthcare jobs are in fields that in general require lesser amounts of postsecondary training. The occupation with the greatest need (# of openings) in healthcare and the entire economy is______? A number of states have experienced a shift in their economies, from manufacturing to the service sector. Many states are conducting studies to determine the ability of their educational systems to produce the number of needed healthcare workers. Healthcare supports local economy and most jobs can not be moved offshore. Healthcare employment is cyclical. What does this mean? Employers would like more supply than demand, why?
Demand for Physicians and Nurses Association of American Medical Colleges has called for a 30% increase in enrollment in medical schools by Demand will grow as the population ages. Foreign medical school and nursing school graduates filling openings in US market. Increase in osteopathic medical school programs, to combine these grads with allopathic medical school grads. Nursing services are core to healthcare facilities. In March ‘04, avg. age of an RN was 46.8 years. Nurses will be retiring, adding to shortage in labor market. Higher Ed institutions can not develop/adapt healthcare programs fast enough to meet market needs (page 69).
Health Workforce Trends & Issues Regulation: Certification, Registration, Licensure, Accreditation, etc. Gender: Shift in gender representation in healthcare professions and higher education in general (i.e. women entering medicine and men entering nursing). Bifurcation: Careers resulting from higher (clinical doctorate) and lower level (diploma/certificate) educational/degree programs. The Education Creep – What does this term mean? The Frontline Workforce. What factors contribute to shortage of staff in this area? What are some of the persistent causes of workforce shortages in the healthcare sector?
NOW LET’S JUMP IN Any questions for me at this point??? Start each week by reading your materials and reviewing your assignments thoroughly for full understanding. Demonstrate critical thinking and share your perspectives on the Discussion Boards Join the Live Seminars with any ???s MAKE IT A GREAT WEEK!!!