The New Right
New Right The New Right are usually conservative thinkers and politicians who believe very strongly in tradition. They believe there was a once a ‘golden age’ of the family The New Rights views on the family reflect a familial ideology
On the following slides you will read a number of New Right ideas which are put forward by Charles Murray (1989). For each one: 1. Do you agree or disagree? Why? 2. What supporting evidence is there for this assertion? 3. What contradictory evidence is there? 4. Which perspective/s migh dis/agree?
Lone parents rely on benefits. This costs the state money. Children are socialised without a male role model, causing social problems such as crime.
A male and female role model are needed to adequately socialise children.
Cohabitation is more likely to break up than marriage and lacks security.
The ‘traditional’ nuclear family is the best family type to socialise children.
“When it comes to effective socialisation, no alternative family structure comes close to the merits of two parents, formally married” Charles Murray
Individuals choose not to work and have made themselves unemployable. Often these values are gained through primary socialisation.
The government (which is paid for by hard-working tax payers) should not have to support people
Female headed family are dependent on welfare benefits, the disciplines and responsibilities of mainstream society thus tend to break down
Over generous welfare benefits can lead to mothers becoming too dependent on the state and in effect are ‘married to the state’.
New Right Evidence of Changes in the Family in recent years to support N.R claims: -Increase in lone parent families -Increase in fatherless families -Increase in divorce rates -Increase in cohabitation -Increase in Gay and Lesbian Couples -Decrease in traditional nuclear family
New Right - Causes of the decline in the family 1)The breakdown of traditional family values 2) Over generous welfare benefits to single mothers which allow dads to opt out of their responsibilities for raising and providing for their kids 3)Influence of feminism has devalued marriage, domesticity and childrearing and encouraged women to seek fulfilment outside the home 4) Increased sexual permissiveness
New Right - Causes of the decline in the family 5) Greater tolerance of gay and lesbian relationships as alternatives to heterosexual marriage 6) Equal opportunities policies 7) Contraceptive pill 8)1969 divorce law reform act 9)Nanny state = too many benefits given out, as if married to the state
New Right Solutions 1.A return to traditional family values e.g. life long marriage, recognition of the duties and responsibilities of parenthood 2.A change in government policy e.g. redirecting welfare benefits and social service provision to support and maintain two parent families