GIS in Egypt Can GIS Industry Meet Its Expected Objectives? Speaker: Mohamed Elshayal Chairman: Dr. Mohamed Hassan 10 February Session 4
What is Geographic Information System (GIS)? A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer program for storing, retrieving, analyzing and displaying cartographic data.
What are GIS Expected Objectives? 1.Analyzing Cartographic Data with Accurate Spatial Information (X, Y Location)Accurate Spatial Information (X, Y Location) Complete None-spatial Information (Textual Data Base)Complete None-spatial Information (Textual Data Base) 2.Displaying Cartographic Data According to International Rules for producing Maps and Map DesignAccording to International Rules for producing Maps and Map Design
What are the Elements of GIS Industry? 1.Input Elements GIS Software.GIS Software. Updated Paper map and Satellites images with accurate rectified to the correct coordinate systemUpdated Paper map and Satellites images with accurate rectified to the correct coordinate system Digital elevation model (DEM)Digital elevation model (DEM) Field SurveyField Survey 2.Output Elements Vector Maps (with accurate spatial information and complete non-spatial information – (Textual data base)Vector Maps (with accurate spatial information and complete non-spatial information – (Textual data base) Training and developing Skills (GIS software Users and Programmers)Training and developing Skills (GIS software Users and Programmers)
Difficulties Facing GIS in Egypt
Input Elements Difficulties 1.GIS Software. Financial Difficulties as a result of its Expensive cost.Financial Difficulties as a result of its Expensive cost. Training Difficulties as a result of its Complication for normal users and expensive course fees.Training Difficulties as a result of its Complication for normal users and expensive course fees. * Many free and none expensive Alternative GIS software are available.
Input Elements Difficulties 2.Satellites Images Financial Difficulties for keep updating Paper map and Satellites Images every yearFinancial Difficulties for keep updating Paper map and Satellites Images every year Accuracy Difficulties in rectifying as a result of using inaccurate bench marksAccuracy Difficulties in rectifying as a result of using inaccurate bench marks Converting Coordinates Difficulties as a result of using several coordinates in producing Egyptian Maps (Old Egyptian Datum 1907, Helmert 1906, and WGS 1984)Converting Coordinates Difficulties as a result of using several coordinates in producing Egyptian Maps (Old Egyptian Datum 1907, Helmert 1906, and WGS 1984) * The USGS now offers all users the entire Landsat 1-5 and 7 archive data at no charge
Input Elements Difficulties 3.Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Financial difficulties for producing Digital Elevation mapsFinancial difficulties for producing Digital Elevation maps * 3 ARC Seconds NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is Available Free.
Input Elements Difficulties 4.Field Survey Financial, management, and security Difficulties for field survey to collect required dataFinancial, management, and security Difficulties for field survey to collect required data
Output Elements Difficulties 1.Vector Maps Accuracy of spatial information are affected by the not updated and the inaccuracy of rectifying the paper maps and satellites imagesAccuracy of spatial information are affected by the not updated and the inaccuracy of rectifying the paper maps and satellites images Completion of none-spatial information (Textual data base) is affected by the incompletion of field survey and cost of data Entry.Completion of none-spatial information (Textual data base) is affected by the incompletion of field survey and cost of data Entry.
Output Elements Difficulties 2.Training and Developing skills GIS Software User's skills are affected by the difficulties for purchasing and training of the GIS softwareGIS Software User's skills are affected by the difficulties for purchasing and training of the GIS software GIS Software Programmers ’ skills are almost not exist in Egypt as a result of:-GIS Software Programmers ’ skills are almost not exist in Egypt as a result of:- 1.The need of big accumulated and long term experience in the fields of producing Data Base system, Engineering Analysis, and CAD software to produce GIS Software. 2.The big financial requirements for producing GIS software. * Many trials for producing Data Base systems and Engineering analysis have been made during 70's and 80's but unfortunately they have not been supported by the government
GIS Applications in Egypt
1.Integrated Web services and GIS for E-Government GIS-enabled Web sites and online mapping can provide information related to land development, licensing, or permitting.GIS-enabled Web sites and online mapping can provide information related to land development, licensing, or permitting.
GIS Applications in Egypt 2.GPS Navigation and Tracking System Integration of GIS maps and GPS Hardware and wireless communication GPRS for Producing a real time tracking systemIntegration of GIS maps and GPS Hardware and wireless communication GPRS for Producing a real time tracking system
GIS Applications in Egypt 3.Utilities Networks Telecomm NetworksTelecomm Networks Electricity NetworksElectricity Networks Water & Sewage NetworksWater & Sewage Networks Gas distribution NetworksGas distribution Networks
GIS Applications in Egypt 4.Demographic Studies GIS maps present and view demographic characteristics such as Population monitoringPopulation monitoring Pollution monitoringPollution monitoring Biodiversity monitoringBiodiversity monitoring Disease monitoringDisease monitoring
GIS Applications in Egypt 5.Urban & regional planning Registry of Agriculture ownershipRegistry of Agriculture ownership Cadastral & Land Use SystemsCadastral & Land Use Systems Remote sensing and GIS for mapping and monitoring land-use changesRemote sensing and GIS for mapping and monitoring land-use changes