"Extending Green Revolution in Eastern India" Strategic Plan for Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh – Profile Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone Agro Climatic Zones Falls under eastern plateau and Hills Zone Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. Geographical area lakh ha. (4.15 % of the country) Net sown area lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area) Forest cover lakh ha. (46 % of its geog. area) Average rainfall 1351 mm. Net Irrigated Area lakh ha (28%)
ParticularUnit National (Est.) CHHATTISGARH Net Sown Area (Percentage to Geographical area) Lakh ha (42.6 %) (35 %) Irrigated Area (Percentage to net sown area) Lakh ha (43 %) (28 %) Cropping Intensity% Fertilizer Consumptionkg/ ha Productivity of Major Crops Rice kg/ ha Arhar Soybean Agriculture Scenario - State vis-à-vis National
Major constraints Low irrigation potential (28%): Mostly protective in nature. Only 6% of net sown area under assured irrigation. Small and fragmented land holdings. 57% soil is of light to medium texture. Cropping intensity 134%, Limited double cropped area. Low SRR (20%). Low and imbalanced use of fertilizers. Inadequate adoption of improved technology.
Strategies Increasing irrigation potential. Improving soil health through balanced use of fertilizer and soil ameliorants (Lime & gypsum under NFSM). Improving SRR. Promote inter-cropping, mixed cropping and Line sowing. Thrust on diversion of upland Rice with suitable Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds. Promotion of farm mechanization. Support to Research for evolving AES specific improved varieties.
Strategic Plan & Implementation
1. Increasing irrigation potential Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal Phy.Fin. Construction of Micro- Minor Irrigation Tanks 100 % Max lakh 100 Nos Construction of run-off management structures (Checkdam) 100 % Max lakh 200 Nos Rainwater harvesting & storage for drought mitigation and increasing crop productivity : (Rs. in lakh.) The topography of Chhattisgarh being undulating, there is good possibility of construction of Tanks and Checkdams in low lands. The harvested rain water will be utilized to provide protective irrigation to Rice during dry spells in Kharif Season.
Utilization of harvested rain water for increasing cropping intensity through convergence Harvested rain water will be utilized for cultivation of Rabi and Summer crops. Linkage with State plan scheme for providing irrigation pumps to utilize stored water. Training and organization of community in the form of water user associations for efficient management of common pool resource. Compact demonstrations on improved package of practices under NFSM, ISOPOM, MMS to be organized in the command area.
2. Increasing Rice productivity by adoption of improved practices Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal Phy.Fin. Incentive to the farmers to promote line sowing of Paddy crop (Hire charges of Tractors with Seed-cum-fertilizer drill) 75 % Max. Rs per ha ha Integrated Nutrition Management and Balance fertilizer kits for Rice (05 district) 75 % Max. Rs for 0.4 ha N os Biasi (Bushining) method of Rice cultivation which is largely followed in the State is highly water dependent and with declining rainfall, it is becoming increasingly risky. The technology of Rice line sowing doesn't require Biasi operation and suitable for declining rainfall situations. The productivity in certain districts is very low due to limited use of fertilizers. Balanced fertilizers kits are being provided in these areas. Training on INM is being provided through other CSPs. (Rs. in lakh.)
3. Promotion of HYVs / Hybrids to increase productivity through demonstration ComponentUnit Cost Proposal Phy. (Nos.)Fin. (Lakh) Demonstration of HYV/Hybrid Rice Max. Rs for 0.4 ha Demonstration of HYV (OP) / Hybrid Maize Max. Rs for 0.4 ha Demonstration of Sugarcane tissue culture plants Rs for 0.5 ha HYVs are being promoted in tribal districts where local varieties are commonly grown. Hybrids demonstration are planned in districts where farmers have reached to the potential yield of HYVs. Diversification from upland and summer Rice to Maize. Use of tissue culture plants to ensure availability of quality and disease free planting material of sugarcane.
4. Increasing production of Pulses & Oilseeds Area under Pulses : 9%, Oilseeds : 7%. Large area in the form of uplands (30%) is available where Rice is being diversified into Pulses and Oilseeds in Kharif Season. In rainfed low lands, Pulses and Oilseeds will be promoted on residual moisture after paddy harvest. About 2% of Rice area is available as bunds where Pulses (Arhar) and Oilseeds (Sesamum & Niger) are being promoted. Inter-cropping of Arhar with Soybean and Urd/Moong with Maize is being promoted for diversification & risk reduction. Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal Phy.Fin. Distribution of seed minikits of pulses & oilseeds for inter- cropping / bund farming 100 % Actual Cost or Max. Rs. 300/ Kit Nos (Rs. in lakh.)
5. Promotion of organic farming Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal Phy.Fin. Organic Vegetable Production Model in cluster 75 % Max. Rs for 0.4 ha units There is good possibility of organic farming, particularly in tribal regions. An NGO developed and tested model of organic vegetable cultivation named "Akshya" Model is being replicated. This has been adopted by large number of farmers in Bilaspur district. The model ensures round the year availability of compost for organic cultivation in one acre of land. This scheme is being implemented through PPP mode. (Rs. in lakh.)
6. Input & technology support to Traditional Forest dwellers Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal Phy.Fin. Input support to the beneficiaries under Traditional Forest dwellers' Rights Act. 100 % Max. Rs for 0.4 ha./ per farmer Farmers (Rs. in lakh.) 2.5 lakh tribal families have been conferred with land rights (Pattas) under the Traditional Forest dwellers' Rights Act. Their land has been developed through convergence under NREGA. Technology support in the form of improved varieties and balance fertilizers is being provided to these families.
Implementation status: Construction of rain water harvesting structures will be done through soil conservation wing of the department for which sites are selected and DPRs are under preparation. Beneficiaries identified and critical inputs arranged for demonstration of improved practices of targeted crops. Demonstrations of Maize, Sugarcane and "Akshya" model of organic farming will be done under PPP mode. The selection of private partner is under progress. District-wise targets allocated and detailed guidelines are issued to field staff. Critical inputs are being distributed in the form of Minikits, Fertilizers kits. Sowing of targeted crops in progress.