GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1 Department of Agriculture Nathavaram Strategies and Action plan for Double Digit Growth in Agriculture
2 Growth Engines KharifRabi PaddyPulses
MISSION -GROWTH ENGINES WITH ACTION PLAN 3 Sl. No. Crop Area in Ha.Yield (Kg/Ha.)Production (`000 MT) GVA value ( Rs. In Crores) Deviation (%) Paddy pulses
Actionable Points for Achieving Double Digit Growth Area in ha 4 Sl. No Technological interventions Area proposed to cover with intervention in ha RICE 1Additional area under Rice200 2 Seed replacement due to less seed vigour in RGL2537&MTU Introduction of new varieties MTU1064.MTU Direct seeding MSRI (Drum Seeding & Mechanical Transplanting)80 4 Micronutrient application400 5 Green manuring100 6 Good Agronomic practices through Polampilusthondi for control of BPH Educating farmers on proper fertilizer application1138 farmers
Actionable Points for Achieving Double Digit Growth Area in ha 5 Sl. No Technological interventions Area proposed to cover with intervention in ha Pulses 1 Additional Area245 2 Seed replacement300 FARM MECHNISATION 1 Land Preparatory ( Rotavators, Power tillers, Mini Tractors, Cultivators, Disc Plough) 30 Nos 2 Sowing Equipment(Multi Crop Planters, Seed cum Fert. Drill, Mini SMSRI ) 4 Nos 3Harvest & Post Harvest( Combined Harvesters, Driers) 2 Nos
MAJOR STRATEGIES 1.Additional areas 2.Soil health and Micronutrients 3.Seed and variety replacement 4.Good Agronomical practices (GAP) 5.Bringing down cost of cultivation 6
1. ADDITIONAL AREA 445ha of additional area targeted to cover during compared to In Paddy 200 ha, in Paddy,245 H in pulses. Is targeted as increased area over
A.SOIL TEST BASED FERTILIZER APPLICATION: SOIL ANALYSIS 4 GPS instruments have been supplied to the department officials for using in soil sampling During it is planned to collect 1080 soil 30 samples / revenue village by using GPS instruments. So far 1150 soil samples are collected and sent to lab. mediately after analysis the results will be communicated online and viewed at Agrisnet portal. Besides SMS soil analysis results will be send to farmers mobile in telugu immediately after analysis.& also by distribution of soil health cards through polampilusthondhi 2. SOIL HEALTH & MICRONUTRIENTS 8
CropVarieties Qty of seed Planned to distribute (Qtls) PADDY MTU 1075,MTU 1061, MTU 1064,NLR 34449, RGL 2537, MTU 1001, MTU 1010, MTU 7029, BPT 5204, BPT PulsesLBG752,LGG varieties SEED & VARIETAL REPLACEMENT 9
5. BRINGING DOWN COST OF CULTIVATION – INM & NPM (IPM) 1.Soil Test Based Nutrient recommendation 2.Reducing excessive use of nitrogen 3.Control on indiscriminate use of Pesticide 4.Bringing down cost of cultivation by decreasing harvesting cost by introduction of appropriate farm machinery to extent of 100ha 10
6. STRENGTHENING OF EXTENSION Intensifying Polam Pilusthondi Program and developing measurable indicators for assessing the impact of different interventions like pest & disease control, selection of right chemical & dosage, balanced use of fertilizers, varietal replacement etc. Chandranna Rythu Kshetralu of 25 acres each are 1 per each MAO and AEO. Best management practices are demonstrated in each crop for increasing production and productivity levels. It is programmed to organize 3 CRKs in the District. (Paddy- 3 Nos., ) 11 Contd;
CROP WISE INTERVENTIONS TO ACHIEVE DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTH 12 Contd... Sl. No Crop Major Production Gaps proposed for correction which contribute for increase in growth Technological Intervension Proposed to bridge the gap Area proposed to cover with the technological intervention (ha) 1Paddy No seed treatment Adoption seed treatment with pseudomonas before sowing (NFSM, CRK,ATMA funds) 100 Not adopting green manures preceding to paddy Creating awareness and supplying green manure seed on subsidy basis in time (General subsidy) 100 Non use of improved varieties and HYV Introduction of improved and high yielding varieties resistant to drought,lodging and cold tolerant (General Seed, NFSM,CRKS/ Hybrids, CSBD) 600 No nursery management Create awareness on nursery management like applying fertilizers and weed management (Trainings) 40 Planting over-aged seedling Encouraging Direct, Drum seeder, SRI and SMSRI (Drum seeders, Mini SMSRI,-10 units, Conoweeders- 760 units, Seed-cum-fert. Drills-68 Units,ATMA demos-94 Nos. NFSM clusters-920 Ha.) – Creation of awareness through Polam Pilusthondhi prog.) 80 Poor nutrient management and indiscriminate use fertilizers Soil test based fertilizer application along with micronutrients supply on subsidy (INM,NFSM, Prog.) 400 Poor Plant protection measures Balanced use of bio and chemical pesticides-NFSM- CRK funds 200 Poor weed management due to short age of labour Supply of weedicide and conoweeders powerweeders – NFSM,CRK funds 100 Poor post harvest managementuse of tarpaulins _NSP –FM Scheme 100
CROP WISE INTERVENTIONS TO ACHIEVE DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTH Contd Sl.N o Crop Major Production Gaps proposed for correction which contribute for increase in growth Technological Intervension Proposed to bridge the gap Area proposed to cover with the technological intervention (ha) 3Pulses Non use of HYVSupply of improved varieties 300
Main Focus on 14 Soil Test Based Nutrient recommendation. Reducing excessive use of nitrogen Control on indiscriminate use of Pesticides Promotion of Non-Pesticide Management (NPM) Micronutrient supplementation-Gypsum, Zinc and Boron Special emphasis on introduction of new varieties Capacity building & training