Literary Terms
What is Genre? Genre is a type of form of literature. For instance, someone might say, “What genre of literature do you like to read. Challenge: Come up with at least five genres.
Protagonist Main character of the story who changes –the most important character –makes a realization about self or the world around him/her Challenge: Provide the name of a protagonist and the book, movie, play… he or she is in.
Antagonist A major character who opposes the protagonist –the antagonist does not change Types of antagonists: –people –nature –Society Challenge: Provide name of an antagonist and where he/she appears.
Character Character – a person in a story, poem or play Types of Characters –Round – fully developed, has many different character traits –Flat- stereotyped, one-dimensional, few traits –Static – does not change –Dynamic – changes as a result of the story's events, or plot Challenge: ID your protagonist and antagonist.
Characterization How the author develops the characters, especially the main character
Characterization Direct characterization –The author directly states what the character’s personality is like. –Example: “He is a cruel person.” Indirect characterization –A character’s personality is shown through his/her actions, thoughts, feelings, words, appearance or other character’s observations or reactions. (We, as readers, make inferences.)
What is the Plot? Plot: Series of events that make up a story – in other words, plot = story Climax – most exciting part Falling Action (excitement falls) Resolution Rising Action – (excitement is rising) Exposition – think “expose”
Exposition Part of the story that introduces characters, setting, and conflicts Challenge: Think of a book, movie…. and list three details you learned in the exposition.
Setting The time and place of the story’s action Setting is part of the Exposition Challenge: Describe the setting of a book, movie… - be specific and descriptive.
Rising Action Consists of a series of complications. These occur when the main characters take action to resolve their problems and are met with further problems: –Fear –Hostility –Threatening situation Challenge : Describe one scene in a book… that is part of the rising action.
Climax The turning point in the story: the high point of interest and suspense Challenge: Describe the climax in a book…. Rising Action or Complications Falling Action Climax
Falling Action All events following the climax or turning point in the story. These events are a result of the action taken at the climax. Challenge : Describe the falling action in a book…
Resolution (Dénouement) – the ultra fancy word for this The end of the central conflict: it shows how the situation turns out and ties up loose ends Challenge: Describe the resolution in a book…
Flashback The present scene in the story is interrupted to flash backward and tell what happened in an earlier time Challenge: Provide an example from a book, movie…
Foreshadowing Clues the writer puts in the story to give the reader a hint of what is to come Challenge: Provide an example of foreshadowing.
Irony A contrast between expectation and reality Examples: The high school student with the highest grades drops out of school. The traffic officer is arrested because of a backlog of unpaid parking tickets. Challenge: Provide an example from a book, movie, …. Or create one of your own.
Types of Irony Verbal – saying one thing but meaning something completely different. Example: Calling a clumsy basketball player “Lebron James” Situational – A contradiction between what is expected and what really does happen Example: The Titanic sinking. Dramatic – occurs when the reader knows something important that the characters in the story do not know. Example: We know who the murderer is, but the character does not creates suspense Challenge : Think of an example of at least one type. Extra challenge: Go for the big three.
Point of View Perspective from which writer tells the story –1st person- One of the characters is actually telling the story using the pronoun “I” –3rd person limited- Centers on one character’s thoughts and actions. –Omniscient- All-knowing narrator. May center on the thoughts and actions of any and all characters. Challenge: Why do you think authors use 1 st POV?
Symbol An object, person, or event that functions as itself, but also stands for something more than itself. Example: Scales function is to weigh things, but they are also a symbol of our justice system. Challenge: Provide examples of three symbols and their meaning.
Theme The central message or insight into life revealed through a literary work. The “main idea” of the story What the author wants us to take away from the story. Challenge: What is a theme from your favorite book, movie…?
Conflict A struggle between two opposing forces Types –Internal – takes place in a character’s own mind (i.e., decision or choice) Man vs. Self –External – a character struggles against an outside force Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Challenge: Think of an example of each type of conflict (4).
Suspense Uncertainty or anxiety the reader feels about what is going to happen next in a story
Tone The speaker’s or narrator’s attitude towards the subject Authors create tone through word choice and imagery. May be formal, informal, somber, playful, etc.
Mood The general feeling a piece of writing creates within the reader Example: You may feel saddened by what you read, or you may be roaring with laughter. Challenge: List five different kinds of “mood”
Figurative Language Involves some imaginative comparison between two unlike things –Simile – compares two unlike things using like or as Example: “I wandered lonely as a cloud” –Metaphor – compares two unlike things (not using like or as) Example: Life is a roller coaster; it has lots of ups and downs.
Figurative Language Personification – Gives human qualities to non-human things –“The wind screamed.” –“The fog crept in quietly.”
Figurative Language Allusion: Reference to a statement, person, a place, or events from: –Literature –History –Religion –Mythology –Politics –Sports Example: “I am surprised his nose was not growing like Pinocchio’s.”
Imagery Language that appeals to the senses. –Touch –Taste –Sight –Sound –Smell Challenge: Write a sentence with all 5 senses included Creating a picture in the reader’s mind through description Example: A seven-foot giant with rat-like teeth, greasy hair, hands like mitts, and musty, loose clothing