doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: UWB MAC considerations for Mobile Environment Date Submitted: September 17 th, 2003 Source: Pekka A. Ranta et al., Nokia Research Center Address Itämerenkatu 11-13, FIN Helsinki, Finland Voice: , FAX: , Re: [] Abstract:The paper enlights some of the additional requirements mobile phones pose to WPAN MAC. The document is intendent to be discussionary for 15.3 MAC ability to meet these requirements Purpose: [Discussion on MAC layer modifications for UWB PHY and mobile environment] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices Nokia’s proposal for Discussion UWB MAC Considerations for Mobile Environment Pekka. A. Ranta Nokia
doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices This presentation is given to have discussion, if MAC needs modifications to be part of UWB radio in mobile devices, aimed for varying WPAN usage, including gaming applications PNC ?
doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices Piconet establishment Questions: –How CSMA can be used for detecting channel status before Piconet establishment (sending beacons) with UWB PHY? –How to find a Piconet (listen beacons) with UWB PHY? –How to achieve TFC synchronisation? –Should transceiver know all the used TFCs before piconet establishment? “ Hi! I ’ m new here. Anybody around? May I send a Beacon here? ”
doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices If the PNC disappears, the devices in old piconet could have a “back-off” algorithm for starting to act as PNC? If the PNC disappears only from part of others, the role should be moved to a DEV in better position? Rebuilding of the Piconet must be fast in Mobile Environment PNC ? ? ?
doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices Condition occurs frequently with mobile phones that any of terminals is not plugged into the electrical network e.g. content sharing, gaming purpose The PNC role is heavy for battery operating devices, therefore battery capacity should be a criteria for piconet controller selection. Battery life optimization PNC “ Not me! ”
doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices Multicast Acknowledgements Should an acknowledgement mechanism (for 1-2 retransmission purposes) be added in multicast? UWB data rates are expected to be high and video stream could be retransmitted some times. PNC ? ? “ Didn ’ t get it! ”
doc.: IEEE /368r0 Submission September 2003 Ranta et al., Discussion on UWB MAC for mobile devices Question for discussion How well current 15.3 MAC meets these requirements characteristical for mobile devices?