People have said that video games can actually improve your hand-eye coordination Wanted to see whether this hypothesis was true
Had our subjects hit the ENTER button on a calculator as many times as possible with their thumb in the minute Recorded the number of hits along with their gender, what hand they write with, and how often they play video games
The shape of the data is approximately normal The mean and median are approximately the same, so either could be used as the center The standard deviation would be used for the spread
When the data is plotted on the normal probability plot, you can see that the data is very straight and linear. This means that the data fits the normal model very well.
If we exclude the outlier for females, both the male and female data plots are approximately normal The median and mean for males is higher than the median and mean of females The males have a much smaller spread than the females
With the exclusion of the outliers, the three boxplots are approximately normal in shape The median of Always is the higher than the median of Sometimes, which is higher than the median of Never The spread of Sometimes is smaller than the spread for Never, which is smaller than the spread for Always
Marginal Distribution for both Gender and Video Game Frequency Distribution by Gender Distribution by Video Game Frequency
Of all females that took part in our sample, 13.3% said they always play video games, 66.6% said they never play video games, and 20% said they sometimes play video games. Of all males that took part in our sample, 41.1% always play video games, 17.6% never play video games, and 41.1% sometimes play video games For all subjects who answered that they always play video games, 22% are females and 78% are males. For all subjects who answered that they never play video games, 77% were females and 23% were males. For all subjects who answered that they sometimes play video games, 30% were females and 70% were males.
Always – 28.1% Never – 40.6% Sometimes – 31.3% Females – 46.9% Males – 53.1%
The Chi-Squared value is with 2 degrees of freedom The P-Value is 0.018, which is less than the alpha of.05 This means that the two variables are dependent on one another
We have concluded that video games do have an effect on thumb dexterity So if your parents are ever yelling at you for playing too much Xbox, just tell them your improving your finger dexterity