FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie FRANCE FET – EEU Project Kick-off.


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Presentation transcript:

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie FRANCE FET – EEU Project Kick-off Meeting François Gréaume Warsaw - 13 June 2005

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME French Environment and Energy Management Agency National Public Agency   National Public Agency An industrial and commercial public entity Created in January 1992 by the merger of three national Agencies (energy, waste and air quality) Reports to three Ministries Industry    Industry Ecology and Sustainable    Ecology and Sustainable Development Development Research    Research

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME Promoting Sustainable Development Sustainable Development    Sustainable Development Energy Management    Energy Management Environmental Protection    Environmental Protection Involved into formulating & implementing public policies At Regional, National & International levels

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME Main areas of activities

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME: Key figures ADEME offices ADEME’s Budget 800 collaborators    more than 800 collaborators 3 central offices   3 central offices (Angers, Paris, Valbonne) 26 regional branch offices   26 regional branch offices 3 representatives    3 representatives in overseas territories 1 office inBrussels    1 office in Brussels   Annual Budget : 350 M.€ in 2005 (97% state-funded)

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME ’s Ressources in 2005 by sectors 350 M €

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME’s Principles of Action Encouraging    Encouraging research and technological innovation    Providing expertise and assisting with decision-making Promoting    Promoting investments Disseminating    Disseminating best practices Informing    Informing and encouraging changes in behaviours Developping    Developping on a territorial approaches

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP Research and Development at ADEME Encouraging Development of the scientific knowledge (240 Dr students) and Promotion of best practices Transfering The benefits of research to the economic and social spheres Networking Between public and private actors Building The European Research Area

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME, at international level Managing international programmes   Managing international programmes  Mainly through European Commission programmes Assisting countries with capacity building   Assisting countries with capacity building  transferring know-how in twinning programmes Networking   Networking  Initiating regional networks to help formulating energy policies Taking part in international initiatives   Taking part in international initiatives  Assisting French government (expertise)

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP Expertise ERANET (4) Technology Platforms (H2, PV, Building) FP6 National Contact Point Participation in Projects ADEME and FP6

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP ADEME participation in the 6th FP 12 running projects and 13 under evaluation

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP NCP for priorities 6.1 “Sustainable Energy Systems” and 6.3 “Global Change + Ecosystems” 2,5 eq full-time members of staff: –François Géaume (Head of the European Affairs Department) –Céline Phillips –communication officer, webmaster, technical experts... The National Contact Point 1. NCP team

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP Information Information days (next one:10th June 2005) Eurosfaire.prd.fr, monthly newsletter Training sessions Usualy in June, July, September Advice Telephone, Interviews Proposal « pre-screening » Coordinator of the “ INTEGRATING-ACC” - SSA The National Contact Point 2. Services provided

FET-EEU Project - Warsaw 13 th June 2005 ADEME – FG/CP Thank you for your attention