Lecture#03 Plain Old Telephone Service The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications Series of lectures “Telecommunication networks” Instructor: Prof. Nikolay Sokolov,
Forecast (XV century) “The time will come when people from the most distant countries will speak to one another and answer one another”. Leonardo da Vinci
History of microphones liquid-based microphone carbon microphone
Speech transmission
Digital telephony
Telephone communications system "Telephone communications system" term is usually refers to base principles of telephone network’s construction, operation and development. These principles usually include the following positions: purpose of the system; supported services; network structure; quality of service ratings; numbering plan; maintenance; equipment requirements; main directions of system development.
Main abbreviations PSTN – public switched telephone network, UTN – urban telephone network, RTN – rural telephone network, ISC – international switching centre, (U)LDE – (universal) long-distance exchange, TE – transit exchange, ITN – incoming traffic nodes [TE(I) – transit exchange used as ITN], OTN – outgoing traffic nodes [TE(O) – transit exchange used as OTN], OITN – outgoing and incoming traffic node (equivalent to TE), CO – central office, PBX – private branch exchange, C – concentrator, CE – central exchange, LE – local exchange, SN – service node, SL – subscriber line, TL – trunk lines, TS – telephone set.
Model of hypothetic PSTN
Hierarchical levels in PSTN
Urban telephone network with one CO CCP – cross-connection points
Three types of the cross-connection points
Central Office Old crossbar exchange Modern digital exchange
Perspective PSTN structure with one CO NN – network node
Cost of port per user
Urban telephone network with several exchanges
UTN with incoming traffic nodes
UTN with outgoing and incoming traffic nodes
Typical structure of the RTN
Main components of the area telephone network
Connection types in the intraareal telephone communications network
Modern principles of the long- distance communication organization
Manual switchboard
Structure of the existing long-distance telephone network
Long-distance exchanges Beginning Present
Structure of the perspective long- distance telephone network
Connection of the international switching centers GW – gateway (for international communications)
Instructor: Prof. Nikolay Sokolov, Questions? Plain Old Telephone Service