17 th Century & Metaphysical Poetry Review
Presentation Requirements 1. Perform (overall judgment by Mr. Kirk – have the students captured the tone or “voice” of the poem? Yes or no?) 2. Explain meaning (Y/N) 3. Metaphysical topic (Y/N) 4. Philosophical “answer” to the topic (Y/N) 5. Is this topic still a source of wonder today? How are people searching for the answer?
Test Wednesday, February 6 Part 1 “History” Introductory note handout 10 Part 2 Poems - Name the poem described Part 2 – Terms Matching (10) apostrophe, conceit, epic, epigram, carpe diem, metaphysical poetry, paradox, prose, sonnet, symbol
Song page 422 Taylor Topic – love Meaning- He tells his love that he is not tired of the relationship but must leave as a duty and doesn’t go looking for better love Finding true beauty is impossible but when you find it, its not pure anymore Compares his departure to death. When he isn’t with her it is like he is dead. He tells her that she should not fear him leaving because she is the source of his existence. Talks about the sun leaving and coming back to represent his desire to return to her He talks about how they are one when she is hurting he is also. He will be upset if she is He says that if they are both in love with each other then they can never truly be apart This work bears similarities to his other works “Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.” They both talk about departing from a loved one.
Valediction…Jenna Topic : Love Meaning: About Donne’s love and him and how she should not be sad that he is leaving( the distance will make their love more special: their love will cover a distance instead of being concentrated in one place.) Donne uses metaphors to compare his love to a compass: They are each a leg, always joined. Gold: Gold compressed can spread across great distance, like their love. **Their love transcends the physical in this way.**
HS 10 Boushie Topic- Mortality Meaning- Donne starts out by talking to death as if he is a person and makes death seem not as scary as people think. He portrays death as a “short sleep” after which a good Christian will wake up and find himself in heaven.
Meditation 17 Jule Topic : death, isolation vs. unity Meaning : death is inevitable, the ‘constant companion of life”, “this bell tolls for us all”- when one person dies, a whole part of humanity is lost. “no man is an island”: everyone is interconnected and part of everybody else’s life. We should spend out life making peace with god because god Is the only thing we are sure of in the afterlife The catholic church is the unifying factor of everything
On My 1 st Son Mary Topic Death, Loss Meaning: –Mourns the loss of his first born son –Questions whether if it would have been better to love him less and thus suffer less
Song: to Celia DeBene. Topic: Meaning:
To His Coy Mistress Isabella Topic- Love Meaning- -A man is trying to get a woman to have sex with him but she is holding out (being coy). -He says that life is short and that they need to have sex while they are young. If she has sex with him, he will admire her.
To the Virgins…Dante Topic- the meaning of life “Carpe diem” Meaning- The author speaks to youth, he uses metaphors of nature to exemplify the importance of living every day to its fullest.
Song (Suckling) Adam Topic- Love/Unreturned Love Meaning If someone you love doesn’t love you back then there is nothing you can do about it. The only thing you can do is move on. Feeling bad for yourself will not change anything.
Freeze Tag Alex Topic: relationships; carpe diem Meaning: - she is hesitant about asking a guy out and becoming a couple -fears the repercussions -decides to live in the moment and face her fears
New Beginnings Sam Topic: second chances Meaning: starting over, staring fresh, trying to fix your mistakes and live a happy life with no regrets
Sonnet XIX Piccolo Topic: fate Meaning: God, or a higher power, has already decided your outcome
Sonnet VII Elise Topic Life Meaning The author believes that with maturity and effort that where ever god leads him, or fate takes him he will be okay with it