Understanding of the World Make observations of plants and animals and explain why some things occur Select and use technology for a range of purposes Talk about past and present events in own lives Recognise similarities and difference in relation to places, objects, materials and living things Communication and Language Listen to stories and respond with relevant comments, questions or actions. Follow instructions involving several ideas. Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences Develop own narratives and explanations Ask and answer how and why questions Physical Development Show good control and coordination in large and small movements To know the importance for good health Move confidently in a range of ways Handle equipment and tools effectively Personal, Social, Emotional Development Play cooperatively, taking turns with others Understand that there are agreed values and codes for behaviour Show sensitivity to others needs and feelings Know how to co-operate with peers. Resolve minor conflicts independently Mathematics To solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. Recognise, count and write numbers beyond 20 Know the names of larger numbers Use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to Expressive Arts and Design Represent ideas, thoughts and feelings through art, music, dance, role-play and stories Explore colour, texture, shape and form in 2/3 dimension Construct and make models Use a variety of instruments and sing a range of songs Recognise how sounds can be changed Foundation Stage Summer Two Literacy Demonstrate understanding when talking about what you have read Read an increasing range of common irregular words Link sounds to letters and form letters correctly To write phonetically plausible words Write simple sentences which can be read by yourself and others Prime Areas Specific Areas Fairy Tales / Traditional Stories
Personal, Social, Emotional Development Play cooperatively, taking turns with others Understand that there are agreed values and codes for behaviour Show sensitivity to others needs and feelings Know how to co-operate with peers. Resolve minor conflicts independently
Physical Development Show good control and coordination in large and small movements To know the importance for good health Move confidently in a range of ways Handle equipment and tools effectively
Communication and Language Listen to stories and respond with relevant comments, questions or actions. Follow instructions involving several ideas. Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences Develop own narratives and explanations Ask and answer how and why questions
Mathematics To solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. Recognise, count and write numbers beyond 20 Know the names of larger numbers Use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money Measure and order by size
Literacy Demonstrate understanding when talking about what you have read Read an increasing range of common irregular words Link sounds to letters and form letters correctly To write phonetically plausible words Write simple sentences which can be read by yourself and others
Expressive Arts and Design Represent ideas, thoughts and feelings through art, music, dance, role-play and stories Explore colour, texture, shape and form in 2/3 dimension Construct and make models Use a variety of instruments and sing a range of songs Recognise how sounds can be changed
Understanding of the World Make observations of plants and animals and explain why some things occur Select and use technology for a range of purposes Talk about past and present events in own lives Recognise similarities and difference in relation to places, objects, materials and living things