How to make Herbal tinctures And why
Why tinctures primarily and not teas or capsule form?? Our digestion, metabolism, adsorption, and excretion of the food we eat requires 2/3 of all the phytonutrients/nutrients found in the food, to complete these processes. Our digestion, metabolism, adsorption, and excretion of the food we eat requires 2/3 of all the phytonutrients/nutrients found in the food, to complete these processes. Herbs are food. Therefore, in order to get as much of the nutritional/phyto-nutritional elements from these plants, or herbs as we can for their ‘medicinal’ benefit, it is necessary for us to prepare them in such a way as to by-pass the digestive processes, and still retain ALL of the nutritional elements of the herb. That is where tincturing comes in. Herbs are food. Therefore, in order to get as much of the nutritional/phyto-nutritional elements from these plants, or herbs as we can for their ‘medicinal’ benefit, it is necessary for us to prepare them in such a way as to by-pass the digestive processes, and still retain ALL of the nutritional elements of the herb. That is where tincturing comes in.
Powdering them and putting them into capsules still requires the full digestive process, so only 1/3 of the nutritional elements are available for the “medicinal” effect which is: detoxing, cleansing, rebuilding, maintaining/boosting, and etc, needs. Placing these herbs in water and simmering them--called a decoction or tea, renders about 2/3 of these nutritional elements available directly to the body’s cells for a “medicinal” response. Placing these herbs in water and simmering them--called a decoction or tea, renders about 2/3 of these nutritional elements available directly to the body’s cells for a “medicinal” response.
Tincturing them is done by pouring alcohol over the herbs. The alcohol actually lyses open, or splits open all cell membranes of the herb and sucks out the phyto-nutrients, then preserving them in the alcohol. This having been done is now called a tincture. Most of these tinctures can be kept effectively for over a hundred years if kept out of light. Tincturing them is done by pouring alcohol over the herbs. The alcohol actually lyses open, or splits open all cell membranes of the herb and sucks out the phyto-nutrients, then preserving them in the alcohol. This having been done is now called a tincture. Most of these tinctures can be kept effectively for over a hundred years if kept out of light. This will net you at least 90% of just about all of the nutritional elements +/ % of some specific nutrients. This will net you at least 90% of just about all of the nutritional elements +/ % of some specific nutrients.
~~Strong Kangen Water~~ 11.5 Alkaline The best extract known is to pour Strong Kangen Water over your dry herbs, this will pull out of the herbs all of the phyto-nutrients including the ones that alcohol is normally used for. The best extract known is to pour Strong Kangen Water over your dry herbs, this will pull out of the herbs all of the phyto-nutrients including the ones that alcohol is normally used for. In a quart jar place 2 rounded Tablespoons of herb and fill the jar to the neck with 11.5 Strong Kangen Water. In a quart jar place 2 rounded Tablespoons of herb and fill the jar to the neck with 11.5 Strong Kangen Water. This will need to set overnight and then you can drink it. It must be kept in the refrigerator and will only keep for about 5-7 days This will need to set overnight and then you can drink it. It must be kept in the refrigerator and will only keep for about 5-7 days
Back to Tinctures: ~Nutrients that are pulled out in an extract are; flavinoids, tannins, alkaloids, volatile oils, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes, and many others. Some of these elements require the fatty acids of ETOH, or the strong Kangen water in order to lyses open the cell membranes of the plants and pull out the nutrients. ~Nutrients that are pulled out in an extract are; flavinoids, tannins, alkaloids, volatile oils, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes, and many others. Some of these elements require the fatty acids of ETOH, or the strong Kangen water in order to lyses open the cell membranes of the plants and pull out the nutrients. ~When you drop the tincture into hot water, which ~When you drop the tincture into hot water, which is anything above 112 degrees F., within 5 minutes the alcohol will be completely evaporated and the nutritional elements are left in the water. Now this is also called a is anything above 112 degrees F., within 5 minutes the alcohol will be completely evaporated and the nutritional elements are left in the water. Now this is also called a tea, and is very close to the decoction, but more effective. tea, and is very close to the decoction, but more effective.
Dropping tincture into anything besides hot water or other tea, will render only part of the alcohol evaporated. i.e. cooking with food Dropping tincture into anything besides hot water or other tea, will render only part of the alcohol evaporated. i.e. cooking with food Dropping the tincture straight into the mouth will drive the herb into the body quickly in an emergency, such as cayenne during an heart attack, lobelia in a breathing emergence, or cayenne for internal bleeding Dropping the tincture straight into the mouth will drive the herb into the body quickly in an emergency, such as cayenne during an heart attack, lobelia in a breathing emergence, or cayenne for internal bleeding
When tincturing Use glass jars. Any size that will accommodate your amount of herb that you need tinctured. Lids that are plastic do better than metal. If using metal be sure to line the lid with a layer of heavy plastic, otherwise you will have heavy metals in your tincture and be ingested into your cells as well. Wide mouth jars are best Use glass jars. Any size that will accommodate your amount of herb that you need tinctured. Lids that are plastic do better than metal. If using metal be sure to line the lid with a layer of heavy plastic, otherwise you will have heavy metals in your tincture and be ingested into your cells as well. Wide mouth jars are best Fill the jar to slightly more than ½ full of dry cut herb; only occasionally that is too much. Lobelia and skullcap are two of the herbs that will require only about ½ a jar full. Fill the jar to slightly more than ½ full of dry cut herb; only occasionally that is too much. Lobelia and skullcap are two of the herbs that will require only about ½ a jar full. Next, cover the herb with pure alcohol, Vodka would be one, with the proper proof or strength. Some herbs require lemon juice or another acid. Example: Lobelia Next, cover the herb with pure alcohol, Vodka would be one, with the proper proof or strength. Some herbs require lemon juice or another acid. Example: Lobelia
100 proof is for all hard herbs like roots, seeds, bark and resinous leaves such as chaparral. 80 proof is for the easily crushed parts such as flowers, leaves, and stems. 120 proof is the best for the hard ones, but 100 proof will do as the 120 proof is difficult to obtain. The best alcohol to use is the purest grain alcohol available, no flavorings etc. In America, Vodka is the best, Caribbean, a clear rum Cheapest is ok. Learn to identify your own area herbs, perfect harvesting methods, and storage of these.
Use only quality herbs, those that have been guaranteed to be non-fumigated, non-irradiated, and organic or wildcrafted in the USA, or your own country. When they come into the USA from other countries they are ALWAYS gassed with ethylene oxide, and irradiated. Both of these cause cancer, and the former causes genetic mutations in the unborn. In 3rd world countries where most herbs come from, the herbs are not always mature or picked at peak harvest time, dried correctly, or clean. The workers are often not sanitary and E-coli can be found on the herbs, so the fumigating has been established. Use only quality herbs, those that have been guaranteed to be non-fumigated, non-irradiated, and organic or wildcrafted in the USA, or your own country. When they come into the USA from other countries they are ALWAYS gassed with ethylene oxide, and irradiated. Both of these cause cancer, and the former causes genetic mutations in the unborn. In 3rd world countries where most herbs come from, the herbs are not always mature or picked at peak harvest time, dried correctly, or clean. The workers are often not sanitary and E-coli can be found on the herbs, so the fumigating has been established.
Allow the herb time to sit and soak up all of the alcohol that it possible can, then add more alcohol sufficient to cover the herb. That means that when your tincture has soaked up all the alcohol that it is capable of, and has settled down; that the proportion of herb to alcohol should be that the free standing alcohol above the level of the herb is only about ½ inch. This is a standard 1:1 proportion.
You will need to shake the tincture daily for about two weeks. This is a good job for your children if they will be careful to not drop them and break them. Price is why Once the herbs have sat in the alcohol for a minimum of two weeks they are no longer of any benefit and can be spun out, or strained, then tossed. The liquid is the usable part which now has the valuable nutrients in it. Actually it is ok to just let the alcohol stand on the herbs. It is not necessary to strain until you can not pour any more liquid off of them. Once the herbs have sat in the alcohol for a minimum of two weeks they are no longer of any benefit and can be spun out, or strained, then tossed. The liquid is the usable part which now has the valuable nutrients in it. Actually it is ok to just let the alcohol stand on the herbs. It is not necessary to strain until you can not pour any more liquid off of them. Store tinctures in the dark. Light destroys the quality; freezing and heat do not affect them Store tinctures in the dark. Light destroys the quality; freezing and heat do not affect them
Should you want a stronger herbal tincture, spin the herb out of the tincture in two or more week’s time and then add the same amount of dry herb a second time. This will give you to the 3rd power. If you do this same procedure a second time it will be to the 7th power. These are useful in making salves and pastes when you want it really strong. On occasion I do this with red clover for its blood thinning capacity. Should you want a stronger herbal tincture, spin the herb out of the tincture in two or more week’s time and then add the same amount of dry herb a second time. This will give you to the 3rd power. If you do this same procedure a second time it will be to the 7th power. These are useful in making salves and pastes when you want it really strong. On occasion I do this with red clover for its blood thinning capacity. Another practice that should be done if possible to render the tincture as strong as you can is to blend it after 4 or so days. This increases the surface area for the alcohol to work more thoroughly. Another practice that should be done if possible to render the tincture as strong as you can is to blend it after 4 or so days. This increases the surface area for the alcohol to work more thoroughly.
If after two weeks you must have all of the tincture strained then go for it, but it is best to keep the liquid on the herb until you cannot pour anymore off; then spin it out, strain it out, or however you choose to do it. Keep all tinctures out of the light. This is the ONLY thing that will spoil the tincture. They keep for 100 years done this way. If in great need for the tincture, as soon as you have set it, watch for good color to come out. It will work very well at that time. Usually that will be in about 3-4 days.