Do the Write Thing Texas Challenge
Rules for Authoring an Essay - Students Thought provoking and responsiveness to these 3 questions: How has violence/bullying affected my life? What are the causes of violence/bullying? What can I do about violence/bullying? Essays, poems, plays or songs are permitted as long as the language is positive. Entries must be in English. Students may submit only one essay entry per year. All essays must be the work product of only one student. Collaborative essays are not acceptable. Entries must be typed or legibly written on 8½ X 11 paper. Use only one side of each sheet of paper. Pages should be numbered. All essays must be non-fiction. Essays based upon plagiarism will not be advanced in the judging process. Rules for Authoring an Essay - Students
Judging Criteria What are the causes of violence/bullying? Entries will be judged by a panel of volunteer community readers recruited by the DtWT Texas Challenge committee. The entries are then read by a committee of business, community and government leaders (the Executive Committee Reader Panel). Entries will be judged on the basis of content, originality, and the most thought provoking and responsiveness to these 3 questions: How has violence/bullying affected my life? What are the causes of violence/bullying? What can I do about violence/bullying? Judging Criteria
Brainstorm: What do I want to say and what product will I use to present the information? Prewrite: I will use a planner to plan my poem, essay, play. Rough Draft: I will use my planner to write. Peer Edit: I will ask a classmate to look over my work and make corrections and let me know if any part is confusing. After my paper has been peer-edited, I will give it to Mrs. Hamlin or Ms. Lopez. This needs to be done by November 29th. Final Draft: I will report to the Math/Science computer lab on Tuesday, December 4th to type my final draft. It must be emailed to your teacher and you must print a hard copy. Permission Slip: I will take it home and return it ASAP. What do I do now?
Why should I participate Every student who submits an essay receives a Certificate of Recognition. The Student Finalists, their parents, teachers, principals and superintendents are invited to a recognition celebration. Why should I participate