Monday, September 21 Write out the definitions for vocabulary from the reading. 1. Mystique- (noun)a sense of mystery about someone or something 2. Infamous- (adjective) well known for shameful or scandalous reasons 3. Reluctance- (noun) hesitation about doing something 4. Exemplary- (adjective) excellence or perfection 5. Terminally- (adverb) continuing forever until death 6. Punctuate short works with quotation marks: songs, short stories, articles, chapter titles.
Monday, September 21#2 Copy the words and definitions into your BW. 7. savvy- (adjective) knowledgeable about common issues 8. mutant- (noun) an abnormal specimen 9. subtle- (adjective) understated; behaving in a manner without calling attention to oneself 10. osmosis- (noun) gradual absorption 11. canine- (noun) of or like a dog 12. Punctuate long works with underlining or italics: book, movies, plays, albums, magazines
Tuesday, September 22 Write the sentence and add the vocabulary word. 1. A person who is _____________ is well known, but not for anything positive! 2. He was so exemplary in school that I often called him the ___________ of the family since the rest of us struggled in class. 4. Carrie’s _____________ to join in the dancing was obvious by the way she stood by the wall with her arms crossed.
Journals-Before you read Scholastic Article on Fame 1. What do you think it would be like to be famous? 2. What possible negative effects could fame have? 3. Think of a famous person who has had trouble dealing with fame. What do you think some solutions to this person's problems might be? Dude, it’s reading time! Add to yesterday’s journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type
Wednesday, September 23 Copy the synonyms and complete the set with the correct vocabulary word. 1. critically, incurably, hopelessly, ____________ 2. notorious, scandalous, disgraceful, __________ 3. supernatural, spiritual, magical, ____________ 4. understated, restrained, indirect, _____________ 5. shrewdness, understanding, knowledge, _________
Wednesday, September 23#2 Dude, it’s reading time! Add to yesterday’s journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Write your questions stems and be ready to complete them with the correct answers. The song moves quickly, so LISTEN! complaint of the singer? 1. What is wasted? 2. What is the tone of this song? 3. What is the mood of this song? 4. How does this song connect to The Schwa Was Here? Song- Unnoticed
Thursday, September 24 Circle the vocabulary word used in the sentence and then insert the punctuation needed for the titles of works. 1. Lassie was a great TV show about a special canine. 2. Taylor Swift sang an exemplary rendition of the song Smelly Cat for her adoring fans. 3. The X-Men series depicts a group of mutants with special powers beyond those of normal humans.
Preview, Predict, Set a Purpose: Nobody Journal I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us -don't tell! They'd banish us, you know. How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog! Dickinson, Emily. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1924;, [1/13/2014].
I am Nobody Commentary- Discussion Commentary- Ironically, one of the most famous details of Dickinson lore today is that she was utterly un-famous during her lifetime—she lived a relatively reclusive life in Amherst, Massachusetts, and though she wrote nearly 1,800 poems, she published fewer than ten of them. This poem is her most famous and most playful defense of the kind of spiritual privacy she favored, implying that to be a Nobody is a luxury incomprehensible to the dreary Somebodies—for they are too busy keeping their names in circulation, croaking like frogs in a swamp in the summertime. This poem is an outstanding early example of Dickinson’s often jaunty approach to meter (she uses her trademark dashes quite forcefully to interrupt lines and interfere with the flow of her poem, as in “How dreary— to be—Somebody!”). Further, the poem vividly illustrates her surprising way with language. The juxtaposition in the line “How public—like a Frog—” shocks the first-time reader, combining elements not typically considered together, and, thus, more powerfully conveying its meaning (frogs are “public” like public figures—or Somebodies—because they are constantly “telling their name”— croaking—to the swamp, reminding all the other frogs of their identities).
Thursday, September 24#2 Dude, it’s reading time! Add to yesterday’s journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Friday, September 25 Write an original sentence for each vocabulary word. 1. savvy 2. infamous 3. mystic
Friday, September 25 Write the entire sentence and complete it with the correct vocabulary word. 1. At the end of the year, students receive awards for completing _______________work and having a great attitude. 2. Explaining _______________ to my son is harder than moving solvent molecules through a partially permeable membrane. 3. Her business __________ allowed her to run a successful store.
Does Fame Make You Nuts? Read “Does Fame Make you Nuts?” COPE PairedTexts.pdf COPE PairedTexts.pdf Write a thesis sentence for a persuasive essay. Does fame make you nuts? Remember your thesis should contain: TOPIC+OPINION+3REASONS
Choose one of the similes from the beginning of the song and explain its meaning. 2. According to Katy Perry, what should you do if there is spark in you? 3. According to Perry, what should you do if you’re the reason why the doors are closed? Firework- Katy Perry
Class Analysis: We just read Cinder Edna. 1. What are three similarities between Cinderella and Cinder Edna? 2. What are three differences between the two? 3. Which do you think you would most like to be friends with and why?
Write the seven habits of highly effective teens. 1. Be Proactive- take responsibility for your life. 2. Begin with the end in mind- Define your mission and goals in life 3. Put first things first- Prioritize and do the most important things first. 4. Think: Win-Win- Have an “everyone can win” attitude. 5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood- Listen to people sincerely. 6. Synergize- Work together to achieve more 7. Sharpen the saw- Renew yourself regularly. Teens/dp/ X#reader_ X Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens