Exploring your benefits….
Core Benefits Voluntary Benefits MDC offers its full-time employees a comprehensive benefits package, which includes:
CORE BENEFITS Dental Direct Deposit Educational Incentive Programs Group Health Holidays & Sick Leave Life Insurance PSAL Retirement Benefits (through Florida Retirement System) Tuition Waiver & Tuition Reimbursement Vacation
VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Dependent Life Disability Leaves of Various Types Legal Long-Term Care Metro & Tri-Rail TSA Plans (403B)
CORE BENEFITS: Dental & Health Dental – –DMO & PPO – –College pays full employee single coverage for both plans Health changes – –HMO & POS – –* HMO College pays single coverage – –POS College pays $ and employee pays $36.68 per month *All new employees are enrolled in HMO for their first year
CORE BENEFITS CORE BENEFITS Direct Deposit, Life Insurance, Tuition Waiver Direct Deposit - mandatory – –Form & copy of voided check required Life Insurance – –MDC pays half of premium – –Value: 2x annual salary (illness) or 4x annual salary if accidental
CORE BENEFITS Educational Incentives Tuition waiver- Maximum credits per semester faculty: 6, PEC, PENC, SNE (non faculty): 8, dependents: unlimited – –Administered by Financial Aid at your campus – –For employee & dependents (spouse or dependent children 24 yrs old or younger) Tuition Reimbursement: Maximum credits per semester for all employees: 8 – –For employee only – –Reimbursement for 8 credits at FIU Fall 2004 rates Rate per credit –Undergraduate : $97.12 –Graduate: $
CORE BENEFITS Holidays, Sick Leave, Vacation, PSAL, FLEX Holidays – –Average of 9 days per fiscal year [procedure 2750] – –Add’l days during holiday period (Dec. - Jan.) Sick Leave – –You receive 1 day per month – –5 days consecutive days requires note from your doctor Vacation – –Up to 5 yrs: 1 day per month – –5 to 10 yrs: 1.25 day per month – –10 yrs + : 1.5 day per month PSAL [professional staff accrued leave] – –For professional exempt contractual employees – –Option to cash out every April (for fiscal year accrual) – –Maximum balance of 30 days Flex : - 2 days every fiscal year (July to June) – –Use or lose
CORE BENEFITS RETIREMENT Traditional plan 7.83% College Contribution 6 years vesting Benefits are computed on the basis of age and/or years of service, average final compensation, and service credit. Average final compensation (AFC) is the average of the 5 highest fiscal years of earnings. Investment plan 7.83% College Contribution & 1.17% Pension Plan Surplus = 9.00% Total Contribution 1 year vesting MDC contributes an amount to your account every month. You direct the investment of your account among the investment funds available through the Plan. FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM [FRS]
VOLUNTARY BENEFITS VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Dependent Life & Disability Dependent Life – –Employee must be enrolled in Life Insurance – –For all family members – –Spouse needs underwriting but not kids – –$3.50 / month, $1.75/per pay Disability Income protection while disabled 4 plans: 1) 2 yrs sick/5 yrs accident pays after 60 days 2) 2 yrs sick/5 yrs accident pays after 14 days 3) Retirement age/SS pays after 60 days 4) Retirement age/SS pays after 14 days
Legal – –provides convenient access to attorneys and/or preventative legal services – –Monthly coverage Single: $14.35 family $18.95 Metro Rail: – –Discounted rate $73.76 (save about $7/mo) – –Convenience of easy pick up through Bursar’s office Tri Rail: Discount card VOLUNTARY BENEFITS VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Legal, Metro Rail/Tri Rail
Long Term Care – –Covers costs associated with home care, assisted living, and nursing home care Illness/Injury such as results of car accident or chronic illness Home care example : meal preparation, assistance with daily activities such as bathing etc. password for MDC employee only: miamiisltc Who can apply? Employee Dependents VOLUNTARY BENEFITS VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Long Term Care –Parents –Parents-in- law –Grandparent s
– –Requirements: 1 yr FT employment & Balance of 10 sick days as of October Must give 5 sick days (for 1/2006) Personal Leave – –Up to 1 year – –Approval by supervisor VOLUNTARY BENEFITS VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Leaves Sick Leave Pool: Employees may not use more than 30 days during any 12 month period once all other leave (vacation, bank point, sick, PSAL, Flex) is exhausted.
VOLUNTARY BENEFITS VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Family Medical Leave Act [FMLA] Eligibility: one year of service, and for 1,250 hours Notification: 30 days advance notice required Entitlement: 12 weeks of unpaid, job- protected leave to “eligible” employees for family & medical reasons Reasons for taking leave: – –Birth of a child, adoption or foster care; – –Employee’s spouse, child or parent’s serious health condition – –Employee’s serious health condition
VOLUNTARY BENEFITS Tax Shelter Annuity Tax Deferred Income Program – TSA/403(b) Plans Defer tax up to 100% of gross income. Maximum limitation for 2006 is $15,000 per taxable year. Plus $5,000 if over 50 years old (proof of age required), for a total of $20,000 for Contact TSA company to set up account, complete the application & beneficiary forms. Send all enrollment forms to Human Resources – attention: Janik Collin. Four enrollment Quarters: forms due one month prior the start of the quarter (exception for new hires: 30 days within employment date) January 1st, April 1st July 1 st October 1 st
CHANGES TO YOUR BENEFITS Marriage - Divorce - Death Birth (or) Adoption of a Child Loss of Other Coverage due to: – –Loss of Spouse’s Employment – –Significant Change in Other Coverage–add or drop coverage – –Financial Hardship Changes can only be made during open enrollment (Oct./Nov.) or within 31 days of a qualifying event such as:
Your Benefits Team Letitia Rackley: Interim Benefits Manager Carmen Diaz: Health, Disability Claims, Life Insurance, COBRA Robin Bevans: FACC, Orientation, Union Dues, Dental, Metro-Rail Janik Collin: Sick Leave payout,(BENCOR) Retirement Reconciliation, TSA Betsy Ruiz-Medina: Tuition Reimb./Family Campaign Disability/United Way/LTC Denise MacIntosh: Direct Deposit/Benefit Files7-2175