NSW Adult and Community Education 2010 ACE Program and Funding Guidelines
Guidelines – General Changes across all Programs Change in funding priorities Changes to definitions for eligible clients Applications must demonstrate a holistic approach to training delivery and support Gain written approval from the ACE Unit for variations Mid-year Progress Report Most applications now include project plans All application forms are in Word format
Guidelines Section 1 – Conditions for Funding The priorities for the 2010 ACE Program have changed: The COAG National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development has a focus on pathways to, and achievement of, higher level qualifications and completions at all levels rather than only Student Contact Hours. READ section 1.2
Conditions for Funding cont. There are new definitions for eligible clients: Young people aged years who have completed Year 10 of secondary education and are at risk of not making a successful transition from school to work are now eligible to access some programs. READ section 1.7
Guidelines Section 2 – VET Delivery and Support There are no changes to this program from 2009.
Guidelines Section 3 - Social Inclusion Program There will NOT be separate programs for Equity, Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) or Indigenous Education Program (IEP): The Social Inclusion Program will include all projects/training delivery, previously funded under Equity, LLN and IEP. READ section 3.1
Social Inclusion Program cont. Funding will target the delivery of VET to socially excluded groups: reflecting the priorities of the COAG National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development and the State Plan. READ section 3.3
Indigenous Australians are a specific target group under the National Agreement: To improve Indigenous outcomes, funding applications will need to demonstrate support by local Indigenous communities. READ section 3.9 Social Inclusion Program cont.
Projects must demonstrate a holistic approach to training delivery and support: Successful applications will be those that demonstrate a clear and comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of their clients. READ section 3.9
Social Inclusion Program cont. Stand alone LLN projects will only be considered: if it is accredited language and literacy that demonstrates pathways to vocational training, higher level language and literacy qualifications and/or employment. READ section 3.9
Social Inclusion Program cont. The funding rates have changed: $10.00 per SCH for Sydney Metropolitan, Newcastle and Wollongong $12.00 per SCH for Rural and Other Regional NSW READ section 3.4
Social Inclusion Program cont. Additional resources funding: A loading of up to 20% on the SCH rate will be available for costs associated with attracting, retaining and supporting socially excluded groups. The need for these funds must be clearly demonstrated and will only be granted where a detailed explanation has been provided. READ section 3.5 and Application Form E3
The new program will allow for projects of 1 to 3 years duration: Colleges will be able to tender for projects covering 1, 2 or 3 years. Funding will only be allocated on an annual basis. Eligibility for 2nd and 3rd year funding will be subject to identified milestones being achieved, and funding being available. READ section 3.6 Social Inclusion Program cont.
Additional requirements: Colleges will be required to participate in a Social Inclusion Projects Forum in Provide a mid-year progress report against approved project plan. Second payment is subject to satisfactory progress against the plan. READ section 3.10
Social Inclusion Program cont. Program plan variations: To vary project activities College are required to obtain written approval from the ACE Unit and provide an amended plan. READ section 3.10
Section 4 - Community Program Priorities for the Community Program: reflect the priorities of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development and the Ministerial Declaration on Adult Community Education. READ section 4.3
Community Program cont. The funding rates for the Community Program have changed to: a flat $7 per SCH for all accredited and non-accredited VET delivery. READ section 4.4
Guidelines Section 5 – Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program Eligible SMMP clients must hold the following: ISLPR 3+ or IELTS 6.5 or above, and evidence of completion of NSW AMES Skillmax, or NSW AMES English for Employment, or NSW AMES Jobseekers Online, or another accredited job-seeking skills training or course. READ section 5.3
Guidelines Section 5 – Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program Eligible clients now include: holders of a Regional Sponsored Provisional Visa subject to approval from the SMMP ACE Project Officer. READ section 5.3
Guidelines Section 5 – Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program Priority areas have been identified throughout Sydney for the delivery of SMMP: However, additional projects will definitely be considered where a need can be demonstrated. Rural and regional areas will also be considered by application and need. READ section 5.4
Guidelines Section 5 – Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program Funding may be available for industry specialist projects, particularly for the following: IT professionals Accountants/Financial Services READ section 5.4
Guidelines Section 5 – Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program Funded outcomes for SMMP must include the following support and services: Development and implementation of individual client pathway plans. Delivery of Australian workplace culture orientation courses or workshops. Access to work experience and/or workplace mentoring. READ Section 5.5
Guidelines Section 5 – Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program Changes to payments for SMMP include: initial payment of 50% on receipt of signed funding agreement second payment of 50% mid year on receipt of progress report against the approved SMMP project plan READ section 5.10
Guidelines Section 6 – Cluster Innovation Program Priorities for the Cluster Innovation Program: reflect the priorities of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development and the Ministerial Declaration on Adult Community Education. READ sections 6.1 and 6.3
Cluster Innovation Program cont. The Cluster Innovation Program will support projects that: have cluster-wide or state-wide application have been developed by individual clusters or consortiums of 2 or more clusters uses flexible learning options. READ section 6.2
Cluster Innovation Program cont. Funding for cluster meetings, etc: There will be no separate funding for cluster meetings, professional development or any other activities run by the cluster. This cost must be imbedded into each Cluster Innovation Program project proposal. READ section 6.4
Cluster Innovation Program cont. Reporting for Cluster Innovation Program: will be made through a mid-year report based on the project plan, and program payments will be made in July on satisfactory progress against this project plan. READ section 6.6
Guidelines Section 7 - Maintenance of ACE Term for maintenance of ACE Funding: The period of funding will be no longer than 12 months except in exceptional circumstances.
Guidelines Section E – Application Forms Changes to Application Forms: The applications forms are in Word format. They are numbered E# to coincide with each Program section number in the Guidelines. Each college should complete only ONE Application E1- Organisation Details and Application Summary. A checklist is contained in Application Form E1.
Application Forms cont. Most programs have a two part application form: The first part describes a proposed project including training/support services/previous experience, contacts and training needs. The next part is a project plan that asks how you propose to deliver the project; what milestones and performance measures you will use, to identify key risks and to provide a budget.
Closing date for applications Due no later than: 5pm Friday 25 September There will be no exceptions.
ACE Program Guidelines Contacts Rita Fargiorgio ACE PO Ph: Social Inclusion; SMMP Amber Young ACE PO Ph: / Social Inclusion; Community Program Jan Howard ACE PO Ph: Social Inclusion; Community Program; Cluster Support; SMMP Jorge Luis Trujillo PO Data & Comms. Ph: Data Issues