30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results The Law Society ‘Market Test’ Initial Quantitative Results Prepared by GfK NOP 30 th January 2006
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 2 Agenda Background Aims & Objectives Research Programme Qualitative Summary Quantitative Approach Quantitative Findings Current Relationship with The Law Society Market Need for The Law Society Representational Focus for The Law Society Membership Support Services Membership Funding Delivery Mechanisms & Timescales Overview
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 3 Background The Law Society [TLS] is the regulatory & representative body for solicitors in England & Wales The Clementi review on behalf of the Government proposed that the regulation & representation roles should be separated Whilst the Practising Certificate currently funds both roles, in the future it will only cover regulation. TLS will, therefore, need to charge separately to fund representation & member support services This presents an opportunity for TLS to redesign its product & service offerings in line with the profession’s needs & desires Thus, research is required to obtain solicitors’ views on TLS and to inform the future representational role that TLS should adopt in the future
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 4 Aims & Objectives Overall objective of the research is to help shape the future representational role of TLS Specifically, the research should help to inform:- The potential size & structure of the future membership What the profession expects from its professional body in terms of representation The products & services currently used by solicitors The products & services that they would purchase from TLS A guide on the prices solicitors would be prepared to pay to fund representational activities and/or for products & services The preferred delivery mechanisms for products & services
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 5 Research Programme Initially, an extensive Qualitative research stage was conducted, comprising:- 9 focus groups with individual solicitors, in both private practice and the employed sector 6 focus groups with managing/senior partners representing small/mid sized practices 7 in-depth one-to-one interviews with managing/senior partners within the Top 100 practices Qualitative stage completed in November 2005 Results provided insight into the needs of individual solicitors and firms, whilst also helping to frame the content of the quantitative Market Test questionnaire and Consultation exercise This document focuses on the initial results from the Quantitative Market Test exercise which followed, and has just completed
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 6 QUALITATIVE OVERVIEW Reshaping TLS and Transition to NLS There is a clear desire for a professional body to continue to exist, with a unique role to fulfill Solicitors want the NLS to be an effective, efficient, accountable, transparent organisation The transition from TLS to NLS is far more than defining core and new support services with an appropriate pricing model; fundamental reform is advocated New high profile lobbying/PR skills A lean and mean set-up to reflect 21st century business practice: a responsive, decisive, e-enabled, member-focused service (not “a bloated bureaucracy” with an out-of-touch Council) A complete change in relationship with solicitors and firms - not “the heavy hand” of the regulator, but supportive, as a trade union is A body that follows its members’ wishes, rather than consulting and then ignoring the answer Real doubt that TLS willing to and capable of making this change. Indicators are that non-doubters will allow 18 months for change to occur
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 7 Quantitative Approach Telephone survey with 1,425 individuals 625 solicitors in Private Practice 300 solicitors in Employed Sector 300 senior representatives within Firms 100 International Solicitors (50 Europe / 50 Asia Pacific) 100 Students enrolled on the LPC ‘Solicitors’ sample sourced from Regis database Students sample sourced from LPC registration Interview lasted 25 minutes on average Fieldwork conducted 21 Nov 05 – 19 Dec 05 Private Practice, Employed & Firms results weighted by demographics/firmagraphics as defined by Regis database
30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results Current Relationship with The Law Society
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 9 Current Relationship with The Law Society Overriding understanding of The Law Society is as a regulatory body Contact levels are relatively low for individual UK-based solicitors Only a quarter have proactively contacted TLS in the last 6mths, whilst 16% have been contacted for regulatory reasons Contact is lower for those in the Employed Sector compared to Private Practice ‘Firms’ naturally have increased contact levels, given that they represent many individuals 55% contacted TLS in the last 6mths, and 43% contacted by the Regulator Currently, contact with regional offices (other than Redditch and Leamington Spa) is minimal Products/services most commonly used are: The Gazette, Ethics Advice & Helpline, Training & Development Services, Library Services and CPD Support (for ‘Firms’ also Practice Advice & Support) Claimed subscription to LS Sections is 20% of UK solicitors (33% of Firms), suggesting a lack of understanding about Sections
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 10 Currently, regulation is seen as the key role of The Law Society ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Regulatory body68%63%68%75% Representative body34%44%34%3% Supporting solicitors in course of their practice 33%27%16%21% Offering best practice guidelines17%19%9%11% Supporting solicitor profession nationally15%22%10%6% Lobbying Gov / Campaigning8%7%5%1% Representing the public’s interest8%7% 8% Influencing Law & Procedures in Professions interest 5%6%3%2% Training / Courses / Qualification Requirements 4%2%4%3% Q8. In your opinion, what do you consider to be the key roles & responsibilities of the current Law Society ? UK Solicitors - ‘Regulatory Body’ - Private Practice = 67% - Employed Sector = 74% Students – ‘Other Mentions’ ‘General Advice / Guidance’ = 22%
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 11 Chancery Lane & Redditch contacted most; other regional office contact is limited OFFICE LOCATION UK SOLICITORS (502) FIRMS (244) INT’L SOLICITORS (25)^ STUDENTS (18)^ Chancery Lane61%53%48%28% Redditch32%57%16%17% Leamington Spa6%10%-6% West Midlands2%1%-6% East Midlands1%*-- Eastern---- North East---- North West*--- South West-1%-- Wales**4%6% Yorkshire*1%-- Don’t Know8%3%32%33% ^ Caution: Small sample sizes Q3. When you contact The Law Society, which offices do you/solicitors in your firm tend to contact? Base: All who have contacted TLS regarding non-regulatory issues
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 12 Certain products / services ‘stand out’; others not used by majority of the profession PRODUCT / SERVICE UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) TLS Gazette83%89%76%56% Ethics advice & helpline43%81%8%4% Training / developmental srvcs31%39%7%14% Library services28%43%9%10% CPD support22%32%6%1% Practice advice19%46%5%11% Support networks11%23%6%2% Recruit. advice & assistance7%11%3%20% Personal financial services7%6%2%- IT & eCommerce advice2%10%3% Advice on promoting your practice2%7%3%4% Company financial services2%7%-2% Multi-party action advice1% - None7%1%19%32% Q4A. Which, if any, of the following products and services offered by The Law Society have you/solicitors in your firm used in the last two years?
30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results Market Need for The Law Society
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 14 Market Need for The Law Society The vast majority of solicitors agree that there is a need for a representational body for the profession 91% of UK solicitors and 92% of Firm representatives Currently, TLS is meeting all needs for a third of UK solicitors, and meeting ‘few or no’ needs for 28% But, only a fifth of Firms feel that all of their needs are being met, whilst 40% feel that ‘few or none’ of their needs are being met Solicitors are members of other professional bodies / groups: 45% of UK solicitors claim to be members of ‘Groups’ 29% of UK solicitors claim to be members of another practitioner associations 39% of UK solicitors claim membership of a local law society (although only 14% are ‘actively’ involved)
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 15 Q10. How strongly do you agree or disagree that “Solicitors in England and Wales need a national representational body”? AGREE A national representational body is required by the vast majority DISAGREE 95% % 92% 88% Total ‘Agree’ Mean out of 5.0 ‘97% of Trainees ‘agree’
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 16 TLS meets all needs for a third of UK solicitors; ‘firms’ feel less well supported Two-fifths of firms feel that TLS meets few or none of their needs Q9. Setting aside its regulatory role, would you say that The Law Society currently…? ‘Meets none or few needs’ - Private Practice = 26% - Employed Sector = 33% ‘Meets none or few needs’ - Wales = 57% ‘Meets all needs’ - Europe = 54% - Asia Pacific = 44% ‘Meets all needs’ - Sole Practitioners = 24% solicitors = 13%
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 17 Over two-fifths of UK solicitors claim to belong to at least one Group Solicitors Sole Practitioner Group is mentioned by a quarter of firms, reflecting the high proportion of sole practitioners in the profession SOLICITOR GROUPS UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Young Solicitors27%16%7%4% Trainee Solicitors14%13%1%22% Assoc. of Women Solicitors10%7%6%- Commerce & Industry group7%2%3%- Solicitors in Local Gov.4%--- Black Solicitors Network3%5%-1% Solicitor Sole Practitioner Group3%26%1%- Group for Solicitors with Disabilities *2%-- None54%53%85%75% DK1% ‘None’ - Private Practice = 55% - Employed Sector = 44% (Commerce & Industry Group = 29%) Q6. Which, if any, of the following solicitors groups do you/solicitors in your firm belong to?
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 18 29% of UK solicitors claim to belong to another practitioner association Q7. Do you belong to any other practitioner groups? Which ones? Respondents commonly report belonging to:- Association of Personal Injury Lawyers Solicitors Family Law Association Employment Law Association ‘Don’t belong to any other practitioner groups’ - Private Practice = 66% - Employed Sector = 87% ‘Don’t belong to any other practitioner groups’ - Europe = 84% - Asia Pacific = 96% Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners Criminal Law Association Solicitors Association of Higher Court Advocates The Law Society’s European Group
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 19 14% of UK solicitors claim to be ‘active’ members of a local law society Q7A. Are you a member of any local Law Society? Q7B. And have you attended any meetings of your local law society in the last 12 months? Base: All who are a member of a local law society: UK Solicitors 360, ‘Member of a local law society’ - Private Practice = 44% (16% ‘active’) - Employed Sector = 16% (5% ‘active’)
30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results Representational Focus for The Law Society
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 21 Future Representational Focus for The Law Society When asked directly, solicitors believe that The Law Society should focus its future efforts in those areas which support the individual solicitor and the profession at large Supporting solicitor’s in the course of their practice Representing the interest of solicitors nationally The development of law reform procedures which affect solicitors’ practices (e.g. civil justice procedures, use of home information packs) is also understood to be a key role for The Law Society forward-going The trade-off exercise largely confirms this, with the 5 most important representational areas to focus on being:- Representing the profession’s views to the Regulator regarding regulation issues Advising on law reform procedures affecting solicitors Representing individual solicitors in relation to regulatory issues Promoting the image & skills of solicitors Lobbying Government on issues relating to the profession
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 22 Future focus should be on the individual solicitor & profession at large, not the public FUTURE SCOPE & DIRECTION Strength of agreement (mean out of 5.0) UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Primary focus of TLS in the future should be supporting solicitors in the course of their practice Primary focus of TLS in the future should be representing the interests of solicitors nationally TLS should be involvement in the development of law reform procedures, for example, in areas such as civil justice procedures and the use of Home Information Packs TLS should be involved in the development of legal policy, in relation to new laws in areas such as terrorism and human rights In the future, TLS should directly represent the case of individual solicitors in relation to regulatory issues TLS should be actively involved in developing a Legal Defence Union to provide support and representation for individual solicitors involved in a legal dispute, even if this is with their own practice One role of TLS in the future should be to represent public interest, even if this sometimes conflicts with the professions’ own best interests Q11. How strongly do you agree or disagree that… Perhaps somewhat ‘idealistically’, students are more likely to support these areas
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 23 Representational Role – Hierarchy of Importance (Utility Scores out of 100) REPRESENTATIONAL ROLES UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (300) STUDENTS (100) COMBINED UTILITY SCORE Representing the profession’s views to the Regulator regarding regulation issues 1 (65.4)1 (70.4)2 (63.1)5 (51.4)250.3 Advising on law reform procedures affecting solicitors2 (59.6)5 (59.9)3 (62.4)3 (57.8)239.7 Representing individual solicitors in relation to regulatory issues 4 (56.8)4 (61.3)7 (51.2)2 (62.6)231.9 Promoting the image & skills of solicitors5 (56.7)2 (68.3)5 (54.6)7 (48.9)228.5 Lobbying Government on issues relating to the profession 3 (59.5)3 (62.6)1 (64.6)10 (40.2)226.9 Promoting equality & diversity across the profession6 (50.9)7 (43.5)8 (47.5)1 (64.9)206.8 Advising on legal policy7 (49.7)9 (40.3)6 (52.8)9 (43.1)185.9 Developing a Legal Defence Union8 (47.2)6 (46.6)9 (36.0)4 (53.2)183.0 Providing advice to Government on legal issues9 (45.3)8 (41.7)11 (27.4)8 (47.3)161.7 Representing the public interest10 (34.4)10 (28.9)10 (32.9)6 (49.8)146.0 Representing & promoting the profession internationally, to open new markets 11 (24.4)11 (26.6)4 (57.6)11 (30.9)139.5 Q12. Conjoint pair-wise trade-off analysis exercise
30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results Membership Support Services
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 25 Membership Support Services The 5 most important support services for individual solicitors/students are:- Online information & library resource Ethics guidance & helpline Best practice & quality guidelines CPD training courses & support General skills development training The 5 most important support services for firms are:- Ethics guidance & helpline Online information & library resource Newspaper / journal Best practice & quality guidelines General practice advice
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 26 Support Services – Hierarchy of Importance (Utility Scores out of 100) SUPPORT SERVICES UK SOLICITORS (925) INT’L SOLICITORS (300) STUDENTS (100) COMBINED UTILITY SCORE Online information & library resource2 (71.1)1 (74.6)1 (66.9)212.6 Ethics guidance & helpline1 (76.5)2 (68.9)6 (56.5)201.9 Best practice & quality guidelines3 (65.5)3 (67.4)4 (58.9)191.8 CPD training courses & support4 (61.3)4 (64.0)10 (47.1)172.4 General skills development training8 (53.2)6 (53.9)2 (61.3)168.4 Refresher training in legal skills9 (51.7)5 (54.4)3 (60.7)166.8 General practice advice5 (57.5)8 (49.8)5 (57.3)164.6 Central library facility7 (55.8)9 (49.2)7 (55.1)160.1 Accreditation for law specialisms10 (49.8)7 (52.4)8 (53.1)155.3 Newspaper/journal6 (56.7)10 (47.2)13 (44.4)148.3 Pastoral care services11 (46.4)12 (45.6)9 (49.8)141.8 Information & advice on potential career paths & progression 12 (39.7)13 (39.0)11 (46.7)125.4 Networking opportunities13 (31.6)11 (46.0)12 (46.0)123.6 Lifestyle offers & affinity schemes14 (20.4)14 (23.2)=14 (23.1)66.7 Personal finance & insurance products15 (12.8)15 (14.3)=14 (23.1)50.2 Q14. Conjoint pair-wise trade-off analysis exercise
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 27 SUPPORT SERVICES FIRMS (300) Ethics guidance & helpline1 (82.2) Online information & library resource2 (76.7) Newspaper/journal3 (73.1) Best practice & quality guidelines4 (68.3) General practice advice5 (61.3) Templates for practice management/specific legal6 (58.8) CPD training courses & support7 (54.8) Central library facility8 (51.3) ‘Know how’ toolkits9 (49.9) Pastoral care services10 (44.4) Accreditation/quality mark11 (43.1) Business development/strategic development advice12 (40.5) Availability of Law Society premises13 (36.7) Access to Business Support Services14 (35.3) Networking opportunities15 (34.4) Company insurance & other financial services16 (20.5) International Practice advice17 (18.8) Support Services – Hierarchy of Importance (Utility Scores out of 100) Q14. Conjoint pair-wise trade-off analysis exercise
30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results Membership Funding
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 29 Membership Funding (1) The vast majority of UK solicitors (81%) feel that at least some of the representational areas warrant the levy of a fee paid by all solicitors A word of caution – this falls to 72% amongst Firm representatives in firms that currently pay all of the PC fee for its solicitors Representational areas most commonly thought appropriate to be covered by this ‘mandatory’ fee are:- Representing the profession’s views to the Regulator regarding regulation issues Representing individual solicitors in relation to regulatory issues Developing a Legal Defence Union Promoting the image & skills of solicitors In respect of support services, 83% of UK solicitors and 72% of firms believe some should be funded via a fee levied on all solicitors Support services most commonly thought appropriate to be covered by this ‘mandatory’ fee are focused on information & advisory services (i.e. online information resource, ethics advice & helpline, best practice guidelines)
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 30 Four-fifths of UK solicitors believe at least some representational areas should be covered by a fee that all solicitors pay REPRESENTATIONAL AREAS UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Representing the professions’ views to the Regulator47%44%58%46% Representing individual solicitors in relation to regulatory issues 47%42%57%72% Developing a Legal Defence Union46%43% 72% Lobbying Gov. on issues relating to the profession44%40%56%46% Promoting the image & skills of solicitors44%48%54%49% Advising on law reform procedures45%34%51%60% Promoting equality & diversity40%30%44%65% Advising on legal policy32%23%32%41% Providing advice to Government23%18%24%29% Representing the profession internationally23%13%51%48% Representing the public interest20%16%24%34% None of these18%27%17%5% Don’t know1% -2% Q13. Which, if any, of the representational areas just discussed do you think should be covered by a fee that all solicitors are required to pay?
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 31 ‘Information’ & advisory support services are felt most appropriate to be covered by a fee paid by all solicitors SUPPORT SERVICES UK SOLICITORS (925) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Online information resource54%62% Central library49%56%61% Newspaper/journal46%53%49% Ethics guidance & helpline51%53%44% CPD training courses44%50%68% Refresher training in legal skills43%53%64% Best practice guidelines46%47% Accreditation for law specialisms42%41%62% General practice advice41%44%46% Pastoral care services37%33%45% General skills dev. training36%49%52% Info. on career progression24%29%40% Networking opportunities17%24%40% Personal finance & insurance products13%16%45% Lifestyle offers12%17%36% None of these17%15%3% Q15. Which, if any, of the support areas just discussed do you think should be covered by a fee that all solicitors are required to pay?
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 32 A quarter of firms do not think that any ‘membership support services’ should be funded through a fee paid by all solicitors SUPPORT SERVICESFIRMS (300) SUPPORT SERVICESFIRMS (300) Online information resource48%Availability of Law Society premises27% Ethics guidance & helpline45%‘Know how’ tool kits25% Newspaper or journal such as the Gazette 44%Accreditation or quality mark25% Templates for practice management38%Access to Business Support services23% Best practice guidelines35%Business / strategic development advice19% A central library facility33%Company insurance & other financial services13% CPD training courses & support33%Networking opportunities11% General practice advice32%International practice advice11% Pastoral care services31%None of these27% Q15. Which, if any, of the support areas just discussed do you think should be covered by a fee that all solicitors are required to pay?
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 33 Membership Funding (2) Pricing elements within the Market Test study are a first, ‘broad-brush’ insight only. Further investigation is required to more precisely cost potential offerings of bundled services / membership packages Around 60% of the profession indicate that a ‘mandatory’ fee of £100 to cover the key representational areas & support services identified would be acceptable Subsequent price pressure points are £150 for Firms and £200 for individual solicitors For those areas not considered to warrant funding via a mandatory fee, uptake would be around 50% of solicitors if the purchase price were £50 (uptake levels fall, as costs increase) However, this does not take into account the specific product/service being offered and the delivery mechanism There appears to be a strong purchase preference for ‘bundled products & services’ or ‘pay as you go’, rather than a more traditional ‘membership’ package
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 34 £100 is a key ‘price point’ for both firms & individual ‘Firms’ experience a further step fall in uptake at £150 Individual solicitors show more sensitivity to the £200 threshold Q16A. Pricing questioning for ‘the fee to be paid by all solicitors and covering those representational and support services just identified’ Around three-fifths indicate that a fee of £100 to cover the key representational/support areas identified would be acceptable
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 35 Around three-fifths indicate that a fee of £100 to cover the key representational/support areas identified would be acceptable Price Point UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) Do not believe ANY representational areas warrant a ‘mandatory’ fee18%27% Do not believe ANY member support services warrant a ‘mandatory’ fee17%27% % saying no representation nor any support services warrant a ‘mandatory’ fee11%17% % considering a mandatory fee of under £50 appropriate (assumed)89%83% % considering a mandatory fee of £50 appropriate74%68% % considering a mandatory fee of £75 appropriate68%66% % considering a mandatory fee of £100 appropriate61%60% % considering a mandatory fee of £150 appropriate50%48% % considering a mandatory fee of £200 appropriate38%42% % considering a mandatory fee of £250 appropriate32%35% % considering a mandatory fee of £300 appropriate25%26% Q16A. Pricing questioning for ‘the fee to be paid by all solicitors and covering those representational and support services just identified’
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 36 Only half would pay a voluntary fee at the £50 level, with uptake falling as cost rises – this does, however, require further definition Price Point UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) % considering a voluntary fee of £50 appropriate56%55% % considering a voluntary fee of £75 appropriate46%50% % considering a voluntary fee of £100 appropriate40%41% % considering a voluntary fee of £150 appropriate27%20% % considering a voluntary fee of £200 appropriate18%13% % considering a voluntary fee of £250 appropriate13%8% % considering a voluntary fee of £300 appropriate10%7% Q17A. Pricing questioning for ‘a voluntary fee to cover representational areas/support services not being covered by a fee levied on all solicitors’
30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results Delivery Mechanisms & Timescales
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 38 Delivery Mechanism & Timescales Tailored products and services are of most interest if focused on ‘Area of Legal Specialism’ Online is the preferred delivery method (62% of UK solicitors and 56% of Firm representatives select it as their first choice) Hard copy is next most preferred (22% of UK solicitors and 24% firms) Regional offices are of limited interest, even to those based regionally (slightly more interest in Wales) Students show some desire for regional support (presumably available via their colleges…?) A third of UK solicitors expect the TLS to have changed within 12 months (two-thirds within 2 years)
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 39 ‘Area of Legal Specialism’ is of most interest for tailored products & services SERVICES TAILORED TO… Strength of interest (mean out of 10.0) UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Your area of legal specialism The type of practice or company in which you work Where you practice You as an individual Q19. How interested or not would you be in buying services that were tailored to….
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 40 Q20A. In general, what would be your/your firm’s most preferred channel for receiving products or services from The Law Society in the future? The Internet is an appropriate delivery channel for the majority of the profession
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 41 Online is the most preferred delivery method DELIVERY MECHANISMS RATED IN TOP 3 CHOICES UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Online91%81%93% Interactive39%33%52%42% Hard Copy72%65%74%79% Face-to-face35%37%21%50% Telephone44%47%27%32% Other*2% - Don’t know1%5%2%1% Q20A,B,C. In general, what would be your/your firm’s most preferred channel for receiving products or services from The Law Society in the future?
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 42 Regional offices appear to be of limited importance across the profession Q21A. Thinking about The Law Society in the future, how important is it to you to have regional and Welsh Law Society office locations? Mean (out of 10) UK Solicitor Mean Scores: Wales = 6.0, Midlands = 5.3, North = 5.0, South = 4.2, Eastern = 4.1, London = 3.2 UK Solicitor Mean Scores Private Practice = 4.4 Employed Sector = 3.3 Firm Mean Scores: Wales = 4.9, Midlands = 4.6, North = 4.6, London = 3.7, Eastern = 3.3, South = 3.0
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 43 A fairly rapid change is desired… TIME SCALE UK SOLICITORS (925) FIRMS (300) INT’L SOLICITORS (100) STUDENTS (100) Within 6 mths13%17%20%16% Within 12 mths22%20%23%19% TOTAL WITHIN 12 MTHS35%37%43%35% Within 18 mths4% 1% Within 2 yrs24%22%20%14% TOTAL WITHIN 2 YRS63% 67%50% Within 3 yrs9% 10%16% Within 4 yrs1% -4% Within 5 yrs12%8%6%20% Over 5 years2%1%-2% Don’t want TLS to change / happy as it is 3%7%4% Don’t think / believe TLS can change 1% Don’t know10%8%13%8% MEAN NO. MTHS Q22. When do you want TLS to have changed to this way of working?
30 th January 2006 GfK NOP Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results Overview
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 45 QUANTITATIVE OVERVIEW Exceptionally strong support amongst the profession for a representative body This body needs to primarily look after the interests of solicitors:- Supporting individual solicitors in their practice Representing their interests to Government and to the Regulator The Law Society currently meets the needs of a third of UK solicitors, although 40% of Firms feel that few or none of their needs are being met A potential concern given that Firms generally pay PC fees Whilst further work is required to establish appropriate pricing of specific bundled products and services, a high proportion support some form of mandatory fee Although the representational/support services solicitors want to be funded by this fee may raise issues Strong interest in bundled packages of products and services, particularly when focused on ‘area of legal specialism’ Online is an accepted and preferred delivery mechanism Much less interest for regional offices/support as the delivery channel High usage of The Gazette offers real opportunities for further development, particularly in terms of re-positioning The Law Society
GfK NOP 30 th January 2006 Custom Research Market Test – Initial Quantitative Results 46 QUALITATIVE OVERVIEW Reshaping TLS and Transition to NLS There is a clear desire for a professional body to continue to exist, with a unique role to fulfill Solicitors want the NLS to be an effective, efficient, accountable, transparent organisation The transition from TLS to NLS is far more than defining core and new support services with an appropriate pricing model; fundamental reform is advocated New high profile lobbying/PR skills A lean and mean set-up to reflect 21st century business practice: a responsive, decisive, e-enabled, member-focused service (not “a bloated bureaucracy” with an out-of-touch Council) A complete change in relationship with solicitors and firms - not “the heavy hand” of the regulator, but supportive, as a trade union is A body that follows its members’ wishes, rather than consulting and then ignoring the answer Real doubt that TLS willing to and capable of making this change. Indicators are that non-doubters will allow 18 months for change to occur