Support Services for Online & Distance Ed Programs Pace University -- A.S. in Telecommunications Degree FIPSE Learning Anytime Anywhere Partnership (LAAP) Grantee Dr. Michael Mark Dr. David Sachs Ms. Pauline Waller
Introduction The Enhanced Student Services team was tasked with researching, recommending and developing effective, efficient and user-friendly student advisement and counseling services for Pace CSIS online students involved in the NACTEL program. Primary focus on: Student acquisition Student retention Optimization of services
Focus of Project The first phase of this project focused on two areas: n Research and Analysis u Participation in Online Course u Review of Online Learning Programs u Student Surveys u Tuition Assistance n Creative Development of Revised Web Site
Participation in Online Course Completed online course to analyze student services from a student’s perspective. Learned: Active communication is probably the most important element to a successful online learning experience -- - between student and instructor - between students informally ( or chats) or - among students formally (group discussions) Technical support is needed during off hours when many students are completing assignments and may experience technical problems.
Review of Online Learning Programs Reviewed over 30 online learning sites to understand more about existing services provided to online students. Learned: At present, most online learning programs do not offer any specific services to their online students. Instead, they typically lead students back to general university policies. The easiest sites to use and understand were written in an informal, conversational style. They also included a personal element, such as photos, biographies and/or personal messages that ‘connected’ students with faculty and staff.
Student Surveys n Snapshot Survey u Purpose u Results n Students Who Did Not Return n Students Who Dropped Classes n Non-matriculated Students n Math Tutoring
Snapshot Survey Developed an ongoing online survey to measure student satisfaction and serve as a benchmark for improvements to Student Services. Learned: Generally, the majority of students were satisfied with the program. There was confusion over some part of the application, assessment and/or registration process. Some students in the more advanced classes (particularly Math and Physics) expressed feeling isolated, and There was definite confusion over the payment process and tuition assistance.
Students Who Did Not Return Surveyed students who did not return to understand why. Learned: Time constraints were an issue Most students were unsure whether or not they would return at some time in the future.
Students Who Dropped Classes Surveyed students who dropped out of the early spring semester to understand how retention might be improved. Learned: The majority of respondents indicated that work schedules were the primary reason behind their decisions to drop courses.
Nonmatriculated Students Interviewed 20 students who applied, were assessed and advised, but never registered to understand why they did not enroll in classes. Learned: The research did not uncover any overriding issue as to why students did not register. Most reasons cited were personal or timing problems, completely out of Pace’s control. The majority did indicate their intention to register at some point in the future.
Math Tutoring Developed questions as part of course- specific surveys to Math students to measure satisfaction with, an online tutoring service. Survey still in progress, results to be reviewed.
Tuition Assistance Surveyed NACTEL partners to understand their payment and tuition assistance policies in order to provide better information to students. Learned: Policies of NACTEL partners are very different, complex and applicable only to their employees or members. As a result, only basic contact information will be presented on the Web site and specific company information will be sent to the student via .
Creative Web Development The Pace/NACTEL Web site should be the best source of information for current and prospective students. Recommendations were made to redesign the site and develop new content to address the issues that surfaced. n Developed a site plan for redesigned Web site. n Revised or created new content for the site n Recommended a My Homeroom page - a personalized area of the site to serve up each student’s personalized information.
What Services To Outsource? n Textbook Distribution n Study Guide Distribution n Course Pack Distribution n Software Distribution n Reference & Study Materials Distribution n Audio/Video/Electronic Distribution n Print/Audio/Video/Electronic Duplication
Pluses & Minuses + Time + Space + Support Staff + E-Commerce Presence + Production House + Financial? – Academic Control – Operational Control – Financial? – Service – Outsource Process
Web Site Structure u Top Level Navigation: - Pace U, Bookstore, NACTEL, Calendar, Contact Us and Search u Secondary Navigation: - Overview: provides general program information - Admissions: outlines the steps to follow and serves up assessments - Registration: includes current course descriptions - Go To Class: gives students access to their current courses and serves up Student Services information.
Outline - Student Services u Go To Class u Student Services F Proctor Application Process F Math Tutoring F Prior Learning and Competency Exams F Mentors F Discussion Boards F Add a Course F Drop a Course F Change of Address (on hold) F Access Library F Frequently Asked Questions
Next Steps n New Web site to be launched by mid- August n Snapshot Surveys continue n Research automated customer service software
Questions/Comments? n Contact Information: n Dr. David Sachs – n NACTEL Web Site at Pace: