The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Economics & Financial Literacy Initiative
As participants in an economy that has been dubbed "the ownership society," an economy competing in an increasingly heated global world, where economic sophistication is ever more crucial to success, the economic and financial literacy of Americans is strikingly low. This lack of understand is bemoaned by policy makers and business people alike. The NewsHour seeks to address this challenge by increasing the economic and financial knowledge base of all Americans. To achieve this, we would: Point out the interplay between “news” events and economic developments Report and analyze the opportunities and threats posed by globalization Examine America’s place in the global economy Focus on the impact of the international and national economy on individuals Create a better understanding of financial terms and concepts Empower individuals to take control of their personal finances Provide an understanding of the need for sound retirement and financial planning This effort will be led by NewsHour economics correspondent Paul Solman. Building Economic and Financial Literacy
The NewsHour’s economic and financial literacy effort will include an integrated series of reports, analysis, “explainers” and conversations to run on The NewsHour’s combined broadcast and digital platforms. We will bring signature qualities of The NewsHour and PBS to this initiative – credibility, balance, depth, context and intelligence – reaching a broad television, radio and online audience. Employing creative production techniques, conversational narrative and engaging interviews, our reporting will lead audiences to understand the economic forces and financial devices which affect them directly every day. While still in the planning stages, current elements of this effort include: Segments on The NewsHour TV and Radio Broadcasts Reports on The Online NewsHour Web site Blogs and Vlogs hosted on The Online NewsHour Web site Interactive forums/conversations with experts hosted on the Online NewsHour Distribution of content via MP3, podcast, DVD, VOD and printed materials In-depth online “classes” on financial literacy Development and distribution of curricula and lesson plans scaled to every level, grade school through MBA Events featuring Paul Solman and financial experts Building Economic and Financial Literacy
Based upon funding level and participation,sponsoring partners may receive exposure in some or all of the following: :30 message in the daily NewsHour television broadcast Exposure on NewsHour Web sites Public and XM satellite radio (NewsHour simulcasts) Sponsors messages/recognition in podcasts Appropriate “Financial Literacy Micro-site” sponsorship Recognition within Financial Literacy Blogs & Vlogs Dynamically generated messages within podcasts “Pre-roll” on downloaded video Sponsored “skin” on video players Access and links to curated collection of NewsHour content Hosting of and signage at NewsHour Financial Literacy Events Messages within all collateral materials, DVDs, etc.. As conversations regarding this initiative continue, many aspects of this effort will be refined, revised, extended or enhanced. Building Economic and Financial Literacy