1 A E UROPEAN V ISION OF S PACE S ECURITY Serge Plattard Secretary General, European Space Policy Institute Collective Security in Space European Perspectives on Acceptable Approaches Paris, May, 2006 © ESPI – SP/PHP/MJ- Nov 2005
2 THE POLITICAL SCENE USA: a historical maturity for total use of space USA: a historical maturity for total use of space Russia: a changing posture Russia: a changing posture China: building up a doctrine China: building up a doctrine Europe: looking for a consensus and starting with basics. Europe: looking for a consensus and starting with basics. Europe cannot, and will not, make the strategic choices made by the United States Europe cannot, and will not, make the strategic choices made by the United States
3 FIRST CHALLENGE Europe has to develop its own means to acquire and maintain knowledge of the space environment in setting up: Europe has to develop its own means to acquire and maintain knowledge of the space environment in setting up: A European Space Situation Awareness System providing the following functions: A European Space Situation Awareness System providing the following functions: Monitoring European satellites Monitoring European satellites Characterising any threat to these satellites Characterising any threat to these satellites Monitoring and forcasting of space weather Monitoring and forcasting of space weather Verifiying provisions of the Outer Space Treaty Verifiying provisions of the Outer Space Treaty Providing pertinent operation of space status when space assets are used for planning/conducting operations Providing pertinent operation of space status when space assets are used for planning/conducting operations
4 SECOND CHALLENGE How Europe should position itself vis-à-vis: US doctrine of space control: US doctrine of space control: Can we, as Europeans live with it? Can we, as Europeans live with it? Evolving doctrines of Russia and China Evolving doctrines of Russia and China A step further: what is the level of self sufficiency for space-based facilities from the European standpoint?
5 THIRD CHALLENGE Setting confidence-building measures targeted towards: Space debris mitigation: what remains to be done Space debris mitigation: what remains to be done Satellite registration procedures: definitely more pro-activity is needed Satellite registration procedures: definitely more pro-activity is needed Notification of activities for launchers, satellites, re-entries. Notification of activities for launchers, satellites, re-entries.
6 CONCLUSION These three challenges are certainly within the range of European capabilities. These three challenges are certainly within the range of European capabilities. It is a matter of political willingness overriding any national susceptibility because the requirements are of a rather low level and of common sense. It is a matter of political willingness overriding any national susceptibility because the requirements are of a rather low level and of common sense. Is (Should) Europe (be) ready to embark on more active means to protect its investments in space? Is (Should) Europe (be) ready to embark on more active means to protect its investments in space? If no (not yet), then Europe should be considerably more active in banning weapons in space.A sufficiently ariculated discourse in that direction is not percieved today. If no (not yet), then Europe should be considerably more active in banning weapons in space.A sufficiently ariculated discourse in that direction is not percieved today.