Welcome to the 5 th Grade Parent Partnership Night! WHOSE CHILD IS THIS? AUTHOR UNKNOWN “Whose child is this?” I asked one day Seeing a little one out at play. “Mine,” said the parent with a tender smile, “mine to keep a little while. To bathe his hands and comb his hair, to tell him what he is to wear, To prepare him that he may always be good and each day do the things he should.” “Whose child is this?” I asked again As the door opened and someone came in. “Mine,” said the teacher with the same tender smile, “Mine to keep just for a little while. To teach him how to be gentle and kind, To train and direct his dear little mind, To help him live by every rule, And get the best he can from school.” “Whose child is this?” I asked once more Just as the little one entered the door. “Ours,” said the parent and the teacher as they smiled And each took the hand of the little child. “Ours to love and train together Ours this blessed task forever.”
Welcome to the 5 th Grade Parent Partnership Night! Stephanie Austin & Joey Beauchamp Language Arts & Social Studies Tim Hollingsworth & Kellee Abbott Math & Science
Our School Choices… As a Clara Love Lil’ Texan I choose to Show respect Care for others Help and not hurt Love our environment Do my best, be my best, and NEVER give up!
Fifth Grade Learning Procedures All students must follow the NISD Code of Student Conduct Be in your assigned seat/area ready to work by 7:45 or the beginning of scheduled class time Bring all supplies every day Keep hands, feet, books, and objects to yourself Use appropriate language and actions Follow directions the first time given Walk/stand quietly in hallways
Learning Incentives Positive reinforcement with Classroom Economy Six week celebrations Verbal or nonverbal recognition Special privileges and individual rewards (Money for the class store) Good notes and/or phone calls home Pride in reaching your goal and a job well done
Student Learning Choices If students choose to not follow district, school or classroom rules and procedures, these are the consequences: 1 st --Warning (minor infractions) No signature The student is given the opportunity to correct inappropriate behavior 2 nd —The teacher will sign the student’s planner 3 rd —The teacher will sign the student’s planner, remove the student from the group, and contact the student’s parent or guardian 4 th —The teacher will sign the student’s planner, remove the student from the group and make a discipline referral to the office. Parent or guardian will be contacted.
Boot Scootin’ 6 Week’s Celebration All Students will have an opportunity to enjoy the GOOD BEHAVIOR celebration at the end of each six weeks. Students will not be allowed to attend if they choose to make negative choices during the six weeks period. Students that do not follow our behavior code will have notes sent home in their daily planner. (Signature consequences--Learning choices are cumulative throughout the six weeks.) 6 signatures in a 6 weeks – loss of 10 minutes during Boot Scootin’ Celebration 7 or more signatures – loss of entire celebration
The Workshop Model Fifth Grade will be using the Workshop Model for all academic areas. The Workshop Model consists of the following: Mini-Lesson: (10-15 minutes) This is the main part of the lesson where students are introduced to new concepts or strategies. Workshop: (30-40 minutes) Students are actively engaged in experiences that allow them practice with the new concept. The teacher is helping students in small groups or conferencing with students. Closing: (5-10 minutes) The teacher and students debrief and reflect on what they learned during the Workshop period.
Math and Science Active engagement is KEY to our Math and Science Curriculum. Students will be introduced to a variety of concepts and strategies this year. We will emphasize problem solving skills throughout the year. We are focused on giving our students the skills they need to solve open ended, mutli-step problems. Students will be taking the Math & Science STARR Test in the spring of this year. Hands-on experiences in the form of games and experiments will help students to grasp key concepts.
Language Arts and Social Studies Language Arts and Social Studies will be integrated this year as students begin a year long study on early U.S. history and government. Students will be engaged in daily creative writing experiences. Students will delve deeper into reading strategies and concepts. Students will learn about early U.S. history and government through the Civil War. Students will take the Reading STARR in the spring of this school year.
Homework-Yes we have it! What are your child’s homework responsibilities? We expect students to do their best on homework. All homework should have complete, legible handwriting. However, if your child is struggling with a particular assignment please note it on their homework and we will help them at school. We encourage parents to help the children with their homework only after the child has tried to complete it on their own. Why do we assign homework? Homework can be a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their experience in school. We will give homework to provide practice with skills they have learned.
Library Days Don’t forget books on your library day! Mrs. Austin’s classes have library on Tuesday, and Mr. Beauchamp’s classes have library on Thursday. Students are responsible for taking care of all books that they borrow from our school library. Your child will be fined when books are lost. Students can renew books if they have not finished reading them.
Conference Times Monday through Friday from 8:00- 8:55 Afterschool Monday – Wednesday
Parent + Child + Teacher = Success We are a TEAM this year. We need YOU to ensure the success of your child. Please know that the Fifth Grade Team is working to ensure that your child has a successful school year. But it takes a team for your child to be successful. Don’t forget to join PTA.
We Need From Your Child… For him/her to do his best every single day Your child needs to arrive on time Your child needs to ask questions Your child needs to be enthusiastic Your child needs to complete homework assignments Your child needs to have a GREAT attitude
We NEED from YOU… To help your child by… Looking over your child’s homework assignments Listening to your child read and ensure that his/her reading log is signed Checking the planner nightly to make sure that the teacher has not tried to let you know of a problem OR a success during the school day Signing your child’s planner every day
We will be there for YOU and YOUR child this school year! We will go the distance for your child because we CARE! We will keep you informed with Weekly Newsletters We will let you know when your child is having difficulty by sending home their graded work with notes and suggestions We will call you when we feel your child is having a problem socially, emotionally, or academically We will show your child every single day that they are worth our care and effort!
What does it mean to be a Title I School? Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for… Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards. Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers
A Parent’s Guide to Elementary Education y/Domain/24/Elementary%20Education.pdf y/Domain/24/Elementary%20Education.pdf
NORTHWEST ISD Community Flyer Page ON NISD DISTRICT WEBSITE (on the top left under ON NISD DISTRICT WEBSITE community/community folder) Flyers about after school programs offered through out the district CHECK OFTEN!!-New opportunities posted every 3-4 weeks EXAMPLES OF FLYERS NOW ONLINE PIANO LESSONS (1 st -5 th grade) BOY SCOUTS GIRL SCOUTS FITNESS CLASSES VARIOUS COMMUNITY EVENTS
Thank you for coming today! During the week of October 7, we will have parent teacher conferences. Watch for the note home to sign up On Monday and Tuesday we are going to the OLC. Wear jeans and closed toed, comfy shoes. Thank you for being part of our TEAM!
And remember… Here at Clara Love Elementary… We are blazing new trails and the FUTURE begins with us! See ya!