How to be Safe Online
Online Access How many of you go online? What are your favorite things to do online? Who accesses the Internet from their smart phone?
Online Access Who has rules with their parents about Internet access? How many of you have a password?
Good Things About Online Access Research for a school paper or project Get the latest “news” Check the schedule of an upcoming sports game Access to music
Good Things About Online Access Take classes online Get homework help from friends in your class Send s to distant friends and family
Social Networks Who has a Facebook Account? Recommended age for Facebook Accounts? Who has listed personal information on their Facebook page?
Social Networks Who has ever had a scary or uncomfortable situation online? Who did you talk to about it?
Passwords How many have a password? Do you keep that password a secret? Have you ever given your password to someone else or ed or texted it to someone else?
Passwords Have you told a public computer to “save” your password? 75% or 3 out of 4 of you have shared your passwords.
Safe Passwords Are kept secret. Only tell your parents. Don’t include any part of your name Are Creative Include capital letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers. Are changed at least once a year.
Internet Safety Pick a creative username Never include any part of your name in your username. Don’t list the name of the school you attend
Internet Safety Never give out personal information like your actual age, your address, or where you are at Never meet someone you only know online Always ask your parents before using the internet
Webcams Should only be used with parents permission Make sure they are turned off when not in use Only talk to people who you know and trust offline
s Should be protected like a phone number or address Do not open s from people you do not know Tell your parents if you get a weird Give parents permission to account
1 out of 5 children use their cell phone to go online. 50% of all children post their real age on Facebook 1 out of 4 people thinks it is ok to post personal stuff online. Statistics