Sounder EDR Cal/Val Hierarchy Nicholas R. Nalli, 1,2 C. D. Barnet, 1 T. Reale, 1 D. Tobin, 3 A. Gambacorta, 1,2 E. S. Maddy, 1,4 E. Joseph, 5 V. R. Morris, 5 M. Wilson, 1,2 M. G. Divakarla, 1,2 L. Borg, 3 M. Oyola, 5 B. Sun, 1,2 X. Liu, 6 R. O. Knuteson, 3 D. Wolfe, 7 C. Tan, 1,2 H. Xie, 1,2 X. Xiong, 1,2 T. S. King, 1,2 M. Feltz, 3 and M. D. Goldberg 8 1 NOAA/NESDIS/STAR 2 IMSG, Inc. 3 UW/CIMSS 4 STC, Inc. 5 HU/NCAS 6 NASA/LaRC 7 NOAA/ESRL 8 JPSSO AMS Annual CrIMSS Operational EDRs IDPS EDR Algorithm – Optimal Estimation (OE) method, no front-end regression; simultaneous retrieval – Operational AVTP, AVMP, AVPP products – Non-precipitating scenes NOAA-Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) – AIRS Science Team approach, multi-step iterative method, front-end regression – Operational Ozone product Summary This work draws upon the NPP CrIMSS EDR Cal/Val Plan to propose a basic framework incorporating the various sounder validation techniques as a general end-to- end EDR cal/val methodology for passive hyperspectral IR/MW sounder systems. The current status of the Suomi NPP CrIMSS EDR Cal/Val Program for atmospheric sounding EDRs was also overviewed. – The validation program is to ensure the data products comply with the requirements of the sponsoring agencies (i.e., meet spec). – Intensive Cal/Val (ICV) efforts are currently underway using cal/val hierarchy techniques Beta and Provisional Maturity reached – CrIMSS IDPS and NUCAPS EDRs are stable and close to meeting spec This work will be detailed in one of two EDR papers (Nalli et al. 2013) currently in preparation for the JGR-Atmospheres Special Section on NPP Cal/Val Science Results. Acknowledgements The NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Office A. Mollner, J. E. Wessel, and The Aerospace Corporation. Frank Tilley, Michael Pettey, W. W. Wolf (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR) D. Gu and D. Hagan (NGAS), S. Kizer(LaRC) T. Pagano (JPL) and the NASA Sounder Science Team The Howard University NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS), Serving Institutions Educational Partnership Program supported by – The NOAA Minority Serving Institutions Educational Partnership Program – National Science Foundation Career Grant (ATM ) – NASA Grant (NG-1224) The PIRATA Northeast Extension Project; R. Lumpkin and C. Schmid (NOAA/AOML) NPROVS data distribution: “The views, opinions and findings contained in this report are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official NOAA or U.S. Government position, policy or decision.” Selected References Fetzer, E., et al., 2003: AIRS/AMSU/HSB validation, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 41(2), Nalli, N. R., P. Clemente-Colón, P. J. Minnett, M. Szczodrak, V. Morris, E. Joseph, M. D. Goldberg, C. D. Barnet, W. W. Wolf, A. Jessup, R. Branch, R. O. Knuteson, and W. F. Feltz, 2006: Ship-based measurements for infrared sensor validation during Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition 2004, J. Geophys. Res, 111, D09S04, doi: /2005JD Nalli, N. R., et al., 2011: Multi-year observations of the tropical Atlantic atmosphere: Multidisciplinary applications of the NOAA Aerosols and Ocean Science Expeditions (AEROSE), Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 92, , 2011, doi: /2011BAMS Tobin, D. C., et al., 2006: ARM site atmospheric state best estimates for AIRS temperature and water vapor retrieval validation, J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi: /2005JD Reale, T., B. Sun, F. H. Tilley, and M. Pettey, 2012: The NOAA Products Validation System, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 29, Xie, H., N. R. Nalli, et al., 2013: Integration and ocean-based prelaunch validation of GOES-R Advanced Baseling Imager Legacy Atmospheric Products, manuscript in revision for J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech. Future Work Stage 1 Validation efforts – Stage 1 Validated Maturity scheduled for Dec 2013 – Use Operational and Year 1 Dedicated RAOB correlative datasets (cal/val hierarchy steps 3 and 4); statistical characterization – NUCAPS validation, including operational ozone product Continue collection of Year 2 dedicated RAOBs – Participate in next NOAA AEROSE campaign, tentatively scheduled for Oct 2013 Publish 2 summary papers in JGR Special Section on – Nalli et al. “Validation of Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Environmental Data Records: Application to the Cross- track Infrared Microwave Sounder Suite (CrIMSS)” – Divakarla et al. “The CrIMSS EDR Algorithm: Characterization, Optimization and Validation” 1. NWP Model Global Comparisons Useful for early sanity checks; revealing large-scale biases Large, global data samples acquired from Focus Days Useful for tuning and regression However, not independent correlative data e.g., ECMWF and NCEP/GFS 2. Satellite EDR Intercomparisons Global data samples acquired from Focus Days (viz., AIRS) Consistency checks; merits of different retrieval algorithms Limited because sounders will have similar retrieval error characteristics e.g., NUCAPS, AIRS, ATOVS, COSMIC Useful for global zonal representation and long-term characterization Large statistical sample after couple months’ accumulation NH continental skewed distribution; significant mismatch errors; lower quality RAOBs; less known error characterization NOAA Product Validation System (NPROVS) (Reale et al ; see Reale et al., Sun et al. posters) CrIMSS EDR Validation Efforts JPSS Cal/Val Program Pre-Launch Phase – Demonstrate launch-readiness – Use simulated and proxy data – Concluded Early Orbit Checkout (EOC) – L + 90 days, as sensors are activated – Use global NWP analyses for sanity checks – Concluded Intensive Cal/Val (ICV) – Stable SDR out to L + 24 months – Validation of EDRs against multiple correlative datasets, including operational and dedicated RAOBs – Underway Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) – From end of ICV (L + 24 months) to the end of operational lifetime – Characterization of all EDR products and long-term demonstration of performance Corresponding Author: Dr. N. R. Nalli, IMSG, Inc. – NOAA/NESDIS/STAR NCWCP, College Park, Maryland 20740, USA | Voice: τ (λ = 500 nm) Introduction The Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Cross- track Infrared Microwave Sounder Suite CrIMSS) is an advanced operational satellite hyperspectral IR/MW sounding system designed to retrieve and disseminate environmental data record (EDR) atmospheric sounding products to NOAA data users. JPSS is an operational satellite mission, so a well-defined cal/val plan adhering to a phased schedule was required to ensure the CrIMSS EDRs would comply with the mission Level 1 requirements in preparation for the launch of Suomi NPP (the NPP CrIMSS EDR Cal/Val Plan). Nearly a decade of cal/val experience (e.g., Fetzer et al. 2003) involving a variety of demonstrated, cost-effective approaches were thus organized into a cal/val technique hierarchy that are applied at various phases of the satellite's product lifetime. This poster overviews the cal/val technique hierarchy as a general end-to-end EDR cal/val methodology for passive ultra/hyperspectral IR/MW sounder systems (Nalli et al. 2013, to be published in JGR- Atmospheres Special Section). JPSS Specification Performance Requirements Atmospheric Vertical Temperature Profile (AVTP) Measurement Uncertainty – Layer Average Temperature Error PARAMETERTHRESHOLD AVTP Partly Cloudy, surface to 300 mb 1.6 K / 1-km layer AVTP Partly Cloudy, 300 to 30 mb1.5 K / 3-km layer AVTP Partly Cloudy, 30 mb to 1 mb1.5 K / 5-km layer AVTP Partly Cloudy, 1 mb to 0.5 mb3.5 K / 5-km layer AVTP Cloudy, surface to 700 mb2.5 K / 1-km layer AVTP Cloudy, 700 mb to 300 mb1.5 K / 1-km layer AVTP Cloudy, 300 mb to 30 mb1.5 K / 3-km layer AVTP Cloudy, 30 mb to 1 mb1.5 K / 5-km layer AVTP Cloudy, 1 mb to 0.5 mb3.5 K/ 5-km layer Atmospheric Vertical Moisture Profile (AVMP) Measurement Uncertainty – 2-km Layer Average Mixing Ratio % Error PARAMETERTHRESHOLD AVMP Partly Cloudy, surface to 600 mb Greater of 20% or 0.2 g/kg / 2-km layer AVMP Partly Cloudy, 600 to 300 mbGreater of 35% or 0.1 g/kg / 2-km layer AVMP Partly Cloudy, 300 to 100 mbGreater of 35% or 0.1 g/kg / 2-km layer AVMP Cloudy, surface to 600 mbGreater of 20% of 0.2 g/kg / 2-km layer AVMP Cloudy, 600 mb to 400 mbGreater of 40% or 0.1 g/kg / 2-km layer AVMP Cloudy, 400 mb to 100 mbGreater of 40% or 0.1 g/kg / 2-km layer CrIMSS AVMP EDR (Offline) – Focus Day (15 May 2012) CrIMSS AVTP EDR (Offline) – Focus Day (15 May 2012) Sondes dedicated to satellite overpasses for the purpose of validation Minimal mismatch errors Typically Vaisala RS92-SGP rawinsondes with known error characteristics and superior accuracy Ideally reference sondes (CFH) Atmospheric state “Best- Estimates” (Tobin et al. 2006) or merged soundings Detailed performance specification and regional characterization ARM sites; sites of opportunity; ideally GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) Includes Dedicated RAOBs and ancillary datasets (e.g., lidar, MAERI, MWR, etc.) Ideally include funded aircraft campaign using NAST-I / S-HIS underflights Provide independent correlative data not assimilated into NWP models Detailed performance specification; state specification; SDR cal/val; EDR cal/val “dissections” E.g., AEROSE (Nalli et al. 2006, 2011), JAIVEX, WAVES, AWEX- G, EAQUATE Funding needed for aircraft campaign NPROVS Operational RAOB Collocation Map GCOS Tiered Network of Upper Air Observations (from Siedel et al. 2009) 4. Dedicated / Reference RAOB Assessments 3. Operational RAOB Matchup Assessments 5. Intensive Field Campaign Dissections ICV Coordinated Dedicated RAOB Campaign Year 1 ARM-TWPARM-SGPARM-NSAPMRFBCCSONOAA AEROSE LocationManus Island, Papua New Guinea Ponca City, Oklahoma, USA Barrow, Alaska, USA Kauai, Hawaii, USA Beltsville, Maryland, USA Tropical North Atlantic Ocean RegimeTropical Pacific Warm Pool, Island Midlatitude Continent, Rural Polar ContinentTropical Pacific, Island Midlatitude Continent, Urban Tropical Atlantic, Ship Planned N —≈ 60–120 Launched n Launched n 2 —9690——— Time FrameAug–presentJul–Dec May, SepJun–Jul, Sep–OctSep 2012 Jan–Feb 2013 Suomi NPP CrIMSS EDR Maturity Algorith m BetaProvision al Val 1Val 2Val 3 AVTP AVMP AVPP L + 9m Jul 2012 L + 17m Mar 2013 L + 26m Dec 2013 L + 38m Dec 2014 L + 50m Dec 2015 NWP Model (ECMWF) Comparison for Beta/Provisional Maturity Assessment Total Precipitable Water (integrated AVMP), Focus Day 15-May-12 (see Divakarla et al. poster, W17) From Xie et al. (2013) EDR Intercomparison for Provisional Maturity Assessment CrIMSS/NUCAPS/AIRS RMS (wrt ECMWF), Focus Day 15-May-12