Wells Fargo Investment Overview Cambrian School District August 16, 2012
Wells Fargo Investment Overview About Wells Fargo Advisors Third-largest full-service provider of retail brokerage services in the United States* Represented by more than 15,000 Financial Advisors in 5,000 U.S. locations Emerged from Wells Fargo & Company’s December 31, 2008 acquisition of Wachovia Corporation Predecessor brokerage firms include Wachovia Securities, LLC, and A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. * Based on number of Financial Advisors within Wells Fargo’s brokerage business.
Wells Fargo Investment Overview Investment Policy Statement Based on State Statutes Objectives Safeguard Principal Meet liquidity needs Achieve a return on funds Beat return on LAIF over a 3-5 year period
Wells Fargo Investment Overview Investment Policy Statement (cont’d) Allowed Investments Treasury Securities Agency Securities Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Federal Home Loan Bank Others Corporate Debt Securities rated A or better at time of purchase: limit 30% of portfolio Certificates of Deposit: limit 30% of portfolio Maximum maturity 5 years
Wells Fargo Investment Overview History of Capital Projects Investment Account Source of Funds – Sale of School Site(s) 1994 approach to Prudential Securities to diversify away from LAIF and increase returns Development of Investment Policy Statement Move to A.G. Edwards in 2004
LAIF vs. WFA Investment Account Annualized Quarterly Returns YearMarchJuneSeptemberDecember %1.51%0.90%0.60% %4.32%3.20%1.36% % 0.51%0.46% %1.96%1.64%0.28% %0.48%0.38% %2.24%0.00%1.08% % %0.84% LAIF returns are from the Calfornia State Treasurers website. WFA Account returns are taken from past quarterly reports.