Advances in Stem Cell Therapy Karim Nayernia Professor of Human Genetics & Stem Cell Biology
Stem cells: Balance between proliferation and differentiation
Stem cells: Developmental origin
Proliferation versus Differentiation
Therapeutical purposes: cell-based therapy, gene therapy new approaches for the treatment of cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and musculoskeletal diseases, as well as diabetes and cancer Understanding about the early development Understanding about pathophysiology of diseases Cell-based phenotypic and pathway-specific screens of chemicals Stem Cell Application
Sources of Stem Cells (I)
Sources of Stem Cells (II): iPS Cells
Adult vs. Embryonic Stem cells
How to make an organ, tissue engineering Limited cell availability Immunological rejection Control of stem cell fate, directed differentiation Policy issues Ethical issues Social issues Legal issues Problems to be overcome
Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell isolation and culture (AD-MSC) Tissue Engineering Animal Models