61% of those struggling with an eating disorder also struggle with self-injury 11 million in the U.S. Anorexia is the 3 rd most chronic disease 40% of female and 13% of males struggle in college with an eating disorder Nationaleatingdisorders.org
People suffering are really skinny It’s a vanity issue It’s all about the food It’s a girl issue Only homosexual men will struggle Dancers
Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa Normal eating is flexible and varies according to availability, emotion. hunger, etc. Eating disorder not otherwise specified=disordered eating
manorexia bigorecia orthorexia dibulimia drunkorexia oral expulsion syndrome pregorexia
Results in body distortion Perfectionist, high functioning Although families are not to blame, they play a role
Inpatient or intensive outpatient
Stay connected to support group Don’t live in isolation Avoid complements about appearance