Attention Seniors Summer senior pictures are complete. If you missed senior pictures you can go to Central Cabarrus' senior picture make-up day, or you can go into the photographer's office in Indian Trail. For either of these options, you will need to make an appointment. If you need more information see Mrs. Peterson in room 309. The last day to take a senior picture is October 10 th.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Our FCA/YCI group meets every Wednesday morning at 6:30am in the main gym. All students are welcome.
Gay Straight Alliance GSA will meet on Wednesday in room 404. This week's meeting we will discuss the upcoming Ally Week, Coming Out Day, and the GSA picnic. All members are encouraged to attend and new members are always welcome!
Guidance Reminder We need students to connect with us on social media. This is used to announce scholarships, college visits, and registration information. Twitter Facebook (Jay M. Robinson School Counseling Department) or sign up to have Reminds sent to their phone.
Hispanic Heritage Dinner Multicultural Club is hosting the 10 th Annual Hispanic Heritage Dinner It will be in the cafeteria Thursday, October 22 nd 5-8pm. The theme is Day of the Dead and cost is 5 dollars. Come dressed in a costume for a contest.
JROTC Drill Team will be from 2:30 until 3:30 on Monday and Wednesday. We will be working towards Field Day and for the UNCC drill competition. Anyone who is calling any drill sequence at field day are welcome to come out and practice. All Cadets are welcomed.
Lunch Menu Fiesta Bar Meatball Sub General Tso’s Chicken with Egg Roll Steamed Corn Garden Salad Pineapple Tidbits
Mock Trial Club There will be a meeting for anyone interested in join Mock Trial Club in room 338 on Tuesday, October 13 th.
National Technical Honor Society There will be a NTHS meeting on Monday, October 12 th in Ms. Vaught’s room 710.
Powder Puff Powder Puff has been postponed to November 12 th.
PSAT The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 14th at Jay M. Robinson. This test is for 9th-11th grade students who have completed or are currently in Math II. 11th grade students taking the PSAT are eligible to be entered into the National Merit Scholarship pool of students. Sign up today on the clipboard in the guidance office.
Reading…It’s not a Trick just a Treat Each time students visit the Media Center and check out books they will be eligible for gift card drawings throughout the month. The more you read the chances are the more you'll win! So come on in!
Scholarships Levine for UNCC, and Belk for Davidson. Information on how to apply to be nominated for any of these scholarships is in the guidance office. Students need to sign their name and read the requirements. Applications are due October 9th.
Senior Video Follow us on twitter so you can post pictures, events, and videos of student life in your senior
Sports Passes Student sports passes are being sold for 50 dollars. These are good for the entire school year. Please see Coach Harrington in the main office.
Swimming If you are interested in swimming this season, please stop by the office or Mrs. Brown's room 262 to pick up some important paperwork.
Talent Show Multicultural club and Spanish National Honors Society are hosting auditions for our talent show on October 15 th in room 302. All talents are accepted. Audition fee is 5 dollars.
Theatre Auditions Auditions for A Midsummer Night’s Dream are Oct 13th and 14th 2:15-5pm Open to all JMR students Bring your calendar to auditions See Mrs. Boger in room 844 with questions
Throwback Thursday Submit your Throwback pictures to or bring them to
Tonight’s Sports Volleyball plays Cox Mill at home. Tennis plays at Concord. Go Bulldogs!!
Trunk or Treat On Tuesday, October 27 th Thespian Society will be hosting a trunk or treat food drive. For 5 canned food items members of the community can come trunk or treat. Those wanting to host a trunk can tell an ITS officer or Mrs. Platek in room 912 by October 22 nd.
Vex Robotics Any student interested in participating on the Robinson VEX Robotics competitive team must see Mr. Parisi in room 802 immediately to pickup an interest and information form.
DateOpponentSiteTime Oct 9AL BrownAway7:30 Oct 16Cox MillHome7:30 Oct 23East RowanHome7:30 Oct 30South RowanHome7:30 Nov 6ConcordAway7:30
DateOpponentSiteTime Oct 15Cox Mill Away6:30 Oct 22East RowanAway6:30 Oct 29South RowanAway6:30 Nov 5Concord Home6:30
Da teEvent Oct 20SPC Championships Oct 313A Midwest Regionals
DateOpponentSiteTime Oct 8Hickory RidgeAway4:30 Oct 13West RowanAway4:30 Oct 15Cox MillHome4:30 Oct 20Central Home4:30 Oct 22East Rowan Home4:30
Date__Site_______Time Oct 12ChampionshipsTBA Oct 19Regionals TBATBA
DateOpponent SiteTime Oct 7ConcordAway4:00 Oct SPC TournamentConcord4:00
DateOpponentSiteTime Oct 7Cox MillHome 4:30/6:00 Oct 8East RowanAway 4:30/6:00 Oct 13South RowanAway 4:30/6:00 Oct 15ConcordHome 4:30/6:00 Oct 19-21SPC TournamentTBATBA