Blue Button Plus Push Workgroup Meeting April 22, 2013
Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking, please keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call o Hold = Elevator Music = frustrated speakers and participants This meeting is being recorded o Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other participants to know. o Send comments to All Panelists so they can be addressed publically in the chat, or discussed in the meeting (as appropriate). From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute All Panelists 2
Agenda TopicTime Allotted Announcements, Meeting & Event Reminders Direct Connect-a-thon (May 9) Health Datapallooza IV (June 2) 5 minutes Directory Workflow Update (Josh M.) Triggers & Automation Update (Virinder B.) Review Updates to the IG Next Steps5 minutes 3
Announcements and Reminders 4 Meeting Reminders – Push Workgroup has moved to a bi-weekly schedule. – Next Push Workgroup Meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2:00 pm Eastern. – Meeting information is on the Blue Button Plus Wiki Page:
Direct Connect a Thon – May 9, 2013 Thursday, May 9, 11:00 am Eastern minute presentation slots available – Contact Greg Meyer Register –
Dates: June 3 – 4, 2013 Location: Omni Shoreham Hotel (Washington, DC) Health Datapalooza IV (HDP IV) is the fourth annual national conference born from government efforts to liberate health data. The conference is a forum that features the newest and most innovative and effective uses of health data by companies, startups, academics, government agencies and individuals. Sessions of Interest – “Powering Applications Using Consumer Data: Blue Button + For Developers. “ – “Unlocking Clinical & Claims Data by Giving Consumers Access: Blue Button + For Data Holders” Be a part of it (Deadline April 5) – – Panel spots are also open (dataholders & developers) Registration ends May 24. – $750 Standard – $495 Govt/Academic/Non-profit More information here: Register here:
Follow Up from April 8 th meeting Directory Workflow – Update – Request for Comments & Feedback – Triggers and Automation – Virinder B. completed redline edits to the IG text – Review and discuss with community – _w_Direct_2013_04_12_VB.docx _w_Direct_2013_04_12_VB.docx
Discussion on Directory Workflow (from April 22)
Discussion on Triggers & Automation (from April 22)
Events and Meeting Reminders 10 Opportunities to Connect – Direct Connect-a-Thon: May 9, 11:00 am Eastern – Health Datapalooza: June 2 – 3, Meeting Reminders – Next PUSH Workgroup Meeting is Monday, May 6, 2:00 pm Eastern. – For questions, please contact your support leads – Initiative Coordinator: Pierce Graham-Jones (pierce.graham- – Presidential Innovation Fellow: Ryan Panchadsaram – Project Manager: Jennifer Brush – S&I Admin: Apurva Dharia
Next Steps for ABBI Pull WG Adoption – Focus on data holder adoption (vendors, providers, & payors) – Focus on developers of 3 rd Party applications that would like to design based on the BB+ IG – ACTION: Identify opportunities for us to get vendors / providers / payors on board with BB+ Dedicated Destination on BlueButtonPlus.Org for Tool Kit items – Consolidated CDA Score Card *!* – NIST Testing Tools – Style Guide Libraries (from Design Challenge) – Button / Icon design options (standards) – Receivers: note any patterns in the data / setup that are negative / incorrect, please let us know so that we can help identify those now IG Expansion – Facilitate usability and not require a user to have their Direct address – Flesh out the specifics of the Directory Service (based on Josh M’s work).
Appendix Previous Meeting Slides
Follow Ups Directory Workflow – Josh & Justin to meet; identify and document concerns, working to understand the gap between the workflow and existing protocols. – Present to the community during April 8 meeting. Triggers and Automation – Virinder B. to outline sections for adding to the IG. – Present to the Push Workgroup on April 8. – pdf/ /BlueButtonAutomation pdf pdf/ /BlueButtonAutomation pdf
Discussion on Directory Workflow (from April 8) Github URL: Josh & Justin presented the overall workflow and concept. Goal is to build a better facing patient workflow. Dataholder Summary: Every data holder is responsible for registering apps. That can happen in an open way, or in a trusted way (preferred). In the latter case, the idea is that the trust bundle which is trusted by the provider already contains information about this app, and is used to verify the application’s request. Next Steps – Pierce will coordinate offline discussion with Josh / Justin re: how to move forward and identify and adopter. – Discussion will continue during the next Push WG call on April 22, 2013.
Discussion on Triggers & Automation (from April 8) Moving forward (option): Give the five examples as options; let the vendor’s implement the ones they want; use their Reference Implementations to tell us which ones work vs. not. Eventually make some of them mandatory and some optional. Next Steps – Virinder will red-line/edit the triggers & automation section, and the payload section. Ryan and Pierce will work with him to help / add it to the website. – Continue this discussion in the next (April 22) call based on the updated sections of the IG (