DO NOW: 10 Minutes The next slide shows an example of a “report card” entry that is unacceptable. In fact, if Mr. V was grading this according to the rubric, this response would have earned a “D” at best. Why? DIRECTIONS: Read over the entry and offer 3 suggestions that would make this sound better. These could be grammatical or historical errors. Download this PPT from Mr. V’s Blog
JAMES MONROE: Term 1: A- James, you was a bad president this term well I think so anyway. When you made your decision you was only thinking about yourself you was greedy. The doctrine was bad and it told em that they should stay out of Europe. Good job James! MY SUGGESTIONS 1.) 2.) 3.)
Report Card Reminders & Guidelines 1. Be sure to Rename Your File so that Mr. M knows it is yours. (Ex. Martinelle_R Report Card) 2. Deadline is Friday afternoon. It must be dropped off on either EDLINE or ed to Mr. V 3. LOOK OVER RUBRIC!!!!! The rubric is available on Mr. V’s blog. You should have already downloaded it. Without looking over it