ANNOUNCEMENTS It’s Monday November 17, 2014 Day 3
This is a reminder that gift card and poinsettia orders are due this week. These are the green sheets and white sheets that were sent home earlier this month. Please bring your orders in by this Thursday. Thank you for supporting your school through the PSTAC group.
Picture retake day happens this Thursday. If you were absent on Photo Day or wish to have your picture retaken, photographers will be on the stage on Thursday.
Today marks the beginning of National Anti-bullying awareness week. Did you know? About 30% of students are bullied on a regular basis. About 20% of students admit to bullying others on a regular basis. 85% of the time bullying happens when there are other people watching. When someone intervenes, bullying stops within seven seconds. Be an upstander, not a bystander.
Pig Tennis Second break Bears vs Lizards (bring lunch) and Lions vs Tigers The Peer Mediators on duty today are: Gavin, Jacob, Emma T., and Georgia. The Cheese Choir will be meeting in Mr. D’s room both today and tomorrow during first break. Attendance will be taken and submitted to the directors of the school musical.
ECO Team meets today at first break in the LIbrary. Bring your lunches and see you there. Girls from Mrs. Onodi's mixed group have practice on the stage during first break.
Concert Band Tenor Saxophones are reminded of their Sectional during 1st Nutrition Break today. Any students in Grades who play Tenor Saxophone are invited to come to the Music Room during 2nd Nutrition Break to practice or get extra help.
Please enjoy the snow outside today, but remember that the snow stays on the ground. Anyone throwing snow may find themselves on the wall watching others enjoy our winter wonderland. Please be sure to place your boots inside your lockers. If they are left out in the hallway, they become a safety issue and could end up in the lost and found.