Lesson 2
STRESS and STRESSORS STRESS – the effect of an event on your mind and body, these effects can be both helpful or harmful; the forms of stress can be either positive (ex: something someone is looking forward to like a dance or wedding) or negative (ex: breakups and death of a loved one) STRESSOR – situations and experiences that cause stress
STRESSORS In your groups students generate a list of stressors and then categorize them into one of the following categories: Physical, Social, Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual, Environmental BE PREPARED TO SHARE NEXT DAY!!
Defence Mechanisms Techniques you used to protect yourself from being hurt emotionally. Using repeatedly is not good for one’s health as it avoids facing the issue.
Common Defence Mechanisms MechanismDescriptionExamples Compensation Covering a weakness by over achieving in another area Focusing all your attention on sports because you think you are a better athlete than student DaydreamingEscaping from an unpleasant situation by using your imagination In the dentist’s chair you focus on the fun you’ll have over the weekend because you hate being at the dentist
MechanismDescriptionExamples Denial Failure to except reality Refusing to accept the death of a close friend or relative; refusing to accept that you relationship with a romantic friend is over. Displacement The transfer of negative feelings about someone else You are very angry with your mother and you take that anger out on your siblings Common Defence Mechanisms
MechanismDescriptionExamples Projection Putting (projecting) negative feelings on someone else Blaming your teacher for failing a test you did not study for. RationalizationJustifying irrational behaviour Not doing your homework one evening because you feel you’ve spent too much time on schoolwork Common Defence Mechanisms
MechanismDescriptionExamples Reaction formation Expressing emotions that are the exact opposite of what you feel Acting like a clown in a group to hide your shyness RegressionUsing childlike ways of expressing emotions like anger or disappointment Throwing a tantrum when you don’t get to watch your favourite TV program Common Defence Mechanisms
MechanismDescriptionExamples Sublimation Redirecting bad or unacceptable behaviour into positive behaviour Channelling your aggression into a athletic sport where aggressive behaviour is accepted. SomatizationConverting emotions into bodily symptoms Getting stomach cramps every time final exams are scheduled. Common Defence Mechanisms
MechanismDescriptionExamples Identification When one imitates the behavior and mannerisms of someone else Watching someone deal with something negatively and getting attention and doing the same thing SuppressionWhen one dismisses a thought or unpleasant experience Someone stole something from the store but erases the memory so as not to feel bad Common Defence Mechanisms
Promoting Positive Mental and Emotional Health Everyone from time to time will be affected by problems in their life that get them down. There are strategies that you can use in these situations to stay mentally healthy
Adaptive (Positive) Coping Strategies PHYSICAL Maintain your health – exercise your body, eat a nourishing diet and get enough sleep Learn to relax – learn a relaxation exercise to release muscular tension, take up a hobby, have a warm bath, listen to calming music…
Adaptive (positive) Coping Strategies MENTAL Think positive thoughts – think of your strengths, thing about the things you have done well Organize your time – sort out your tasks from most to least important; do small parts of a tough job, reward yourself and then continue Value yourself – don’t blame yourself needlessly when things don’t go well, learn from mistakes Plan and think ahead – think about stressful situations and make plans to deal with them, make alternative plans in case what you are hoping for doesn’t happen Express your feelings – laugh when you feel good, hug family and friends, cry when sad and reach to others for comfort
Adaptive (positive) coping strategies SOCIAL Communicate with people – say something nice to someone, discuss problems with someone you trust Seek new activities – pursue new hobbies, plan something fun and exciting, spend time with someone who is calm and reassuring
Self Esteem Feeling good about yourself and the things you do Gives sense of confidence Make a list of things you do well Pay attention to positive aspects in your life
Self Esteem Use positive self talk Talk to yourself in a positive way – I’m really good at this Avoid all negative self talk
Self Esteem Be good at something Developing your skill in whatever you are good at will make you more confident
Self Esteem Resist peer pressure The more you make decisions based on what you think and not others the more confident you will become.
Self Esteem Accept yourself Appreciate yourself and believe in your worth Realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses Do not judge yourself by unrealistic standards Be ok with who you are right now Only expend energy on changing things you have control over.
Self Esteem Use I statements Take responsibility for your feelings and words by using “I” statements Act with Integrity When you have self confidence you will be able to better help those who have lower self confidence.
Sense of Control High self esteem gives you a sense of control internal locus of control Those with low self esteem feel that events affecting them are beyond their control. - External locus of control The reality is that you will always have some control in your life
Self Concept The current mental image you have of yourself Rating your level of self esteem requires you to evaluate how you look at yourself as a person. Self-ideal – The mental image of what you would like to be. If you self-ideal is realistic, set goals to reach it.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Psychologist Abraham Maslow first introduced his concept of a hierarchy of needs in This hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other needs. The lowest levels of the pyramid are made up of the most basic needs, while the more complex needs are located at the top of the pyramid. Once the lower-level needs have been met, people can move on to the next level of needs.
Types of Needs Satisfying lower-level needs is important in order to avoid unpleasant feelings or consequences.
1. Physiological needs The most basic needs that are vital to survival Need for water, air, food and sleep. All needs become secondary until these physiological needs are met.
2.Security Needs Needs for safety and security. These needs are important for survival, but they are not as demanding as the physiological needs. Desire for steady employment, health insurance, Safe neighbourhoods Shelter from the environment
Growth needs do not stem from a lack of something, but rather from a desire to grow as a person.
3. Social Needs Needs for belonging, love and affection. Less basic than physiological and security needs. Relationships such as friendships, romantic attachments and families help fulfill this need for companionship and acceptance
4. Esteem Needs These include the need for things that reflect on self- esteem, personal worth, social recognition and accomplishment. The need for respect, status, recognition, fame, prestige and attention. The need for self respect, competence, mastery, self confidence, independence and freedom.
5. Self-actualizing Needs This is the highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Self- actualizing people are self- aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others and interested fulfilling their potential. In order to reach this state all other levels must not only be met but mastered
Questions – hand in (2 slides) 1. Why do people use defence Mechanisms? 2. Complete the worksheet. 3. How are Esteem Needs related to Self-ideal? 4. Why is self esteem important to you? 5. How can someone increase their self esteem? 6. Describe, in your own words, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Questions – Hand in 7. Do you think that the ideas behind Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs should be used more in this school?-Example: breakfast programs, self help group. 8. Don’t forget your list of stressors from the beginning of this powerpoint!!