What is Health Health, is the combination of your physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. Your personal level of health effects everything about you! How you look Feel Act Perform (school, work, with family) How you feel about yourself (attitude) Relationships
Health Education & Literacy Health Education is providing accurate health information in such a way to influence people to change attitudes. Help them take positive action about their health. Health Literacy describes a person’s ability to obtain, interpret and understand basic health information and services that are available and then use these resources to promote their own wellness.
Health Terms Physical Health: The way the parts & systems of your body work Mental & Emotional Health: Includes your feelings about yourself, how well you relate to others and how well you meet the demands of daily life. Social Health: How you get along with others, your ability to make and keep friends. Plus, the ability to work and play in a cooperative way. Wellness: An overall state of well-being, your total health.
Help at Amity Kendra LuthSchool Nurse3311 Mary Lou GiordanoSchool Nurse3312 Karen BoccamazzoSchool Nurse3310 Lindgren Gary Student Assistance Counselor 3300
Community Agencies Planned Parenthood “For Teens Only” PLAN (7526) Aids Project New Haven BH Cares (Substance Abuse & Domestic Violence)
National Agencies Suicide Prevention Lifeline TALK (8255) The Trevor Lifeline (LGBTQ) Domestic Violence Suicide SAFE (7233)