The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis. Author: Adelina Huza 6th year student - General Medicine Coordinator: Lec. Dr. Adriana Neagos Primary Care Physician O.R.L.
Background The tonsil diseases are among the most common problems related to health in the general population. Difficulties in identifying clinical and laboratory changes involved in the tonsils physiopathology created confusion in precise conclusions about treatment. (National Clinical Protocol “Chronic tonsillitis in children", Chisinau, 2011, 5-16) The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.
Objective To describe the correlation in frequency of occurrence between age groups, gender and living environment in patients with chronic hypertrophic tonsillitis and evaluate whether histopathological diagnosis correlates with the clinical diagnosis. The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.
Materials and methods (1/2) This study was conducted within 3 years, from 2011 to 2013 on a cohort of 89 adults with hypertrophic and atrophic chronic tonsillitis prospectively enrolled, representing a simple randomized sample. They were divided in 3 age groups:18-30 years, years and > 50 years; 2 living environments: urban and rural; by gender: male and female. The followed parameters: histopathological, clinical diagnosis, age, living environment and gender. The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.
Materials and methods (2/2) All statistical analyses were completed using GraphPad. Kolmogorov Smirnov and Chi square tests were utilized to correlate the frequence of occurance with baseline demographic, gender and age information. Paired T-Test was use to see if there are any correlation between histopathological and clinical diagnosis. A P and R value < 0,05 was correlate with a strong statistically significance. The patients with adenoamigdalitis, a history of tonsillectomy surgery and the children were excluded from the study. The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.
Results (1/5) There are 84 patients with chronic hypertrophic tonsillitis and 5 with atrophic. The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.
Results (2/5) The average age for hypertrophic is 31,24 years with a majority of male patients (n=43; 51,19%). There was no statistically significant difference in terms of chronic hypertrophic tonsillitis regarding: –Gender (p=0,9525, t=0,06727) The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.
Results (3/5) –Living environment (p=0,7949, t=0,2963) The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis. –Age groups (p=0.8775).
Results (5/5) –The correlation of clinical and histopathological diagnosis shows a significant difference between them, only 52,81% (n=47) of them match (p=0,1745, t=2,068). The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.
Conclusions There is no significant difference of occurrence related to age, gender and living environment.In most cases the treatment is instituted before the histopathological result is available, so in order to establish the best conduct it is highly important that the clinical diagnosis and the histopathological one to coincide. This study shows that almost half (47,19%, n=42) of the patients have different histopathological and clinical diagnosis, conducting, perhaps, to errors in the medical practice. The correlation between clinical and histopathological diagnosis in adults with chronic tonsillitis.